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My 30 Day Dry Oil Cleansing Experiment


Did you check out last week’s blog post and video demo on the Dry Oil Cleansing Method that’s been transforming my dry and wrinkled skin?!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about – pretty much over the past few months I’ve been experimenting with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method of washing my face with oil, and NO water (and the results have been AMAZING!).

If this is all new to you, I recommend checking out last week’s blog post right now because it will go over:

  • What the Dry Oil Cleansing Method is (and how it’s different from regular Oil Cleansing Method)
  • Step-by-step how to do the Dry Oil Cleansing Method (both written instructions and video demo).
  • Special instructions for removing makeup and sunscreen (double cleansing using the Dry Oil Cleansing Method)
  • What oils, washcloths, and products I recommend for the Dry Oil Cleansing Method (and what I don’t recommend)
  • What skin types would benefit from the Dry Oil Cleansing Method
  • What skin types should avoid it
  • Special instructions for acne prone skin

And then come back to today’s blog post and video where I will be discussing:

  • My results doing 30 days of the Dry Oil Cleansing Method (including no water touching my face)
  • The benefits and challenges I encountered during the 30 day experiment
  • What changes I have since made to my dry oil cleansing skincare routine to get even better results
  • How other skincare products work in conjunction with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method
  • Your questions answered about the Dry Oil Cleansing Method
Dry Oil Cleansing experiment, recommendations, and results for dry, flaky and maturing skin

My 30 Day Experiment doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method

As you know, a few months ago I decided to embark on a 30 day experiment exclusively doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method.

What made me want to try the Dry Oil Cleansing Method was my skin was beginning to get really dry from my pregnancy (my last pregnancy was the total reverse, I had excessively oily skin and hair). Not only did my skin become dry, but I was rapidly losing the suppleness and elasticity in my skin and all the lines and wrinkles on my face were becoming quite deep and obvious (and people were actually asking me what’s going on with my skin? – yikes!).

I had read about the Dry Oil Cleansing Method on Josh Rosebrook blog, and decided to give it a try.

Just after trying it once, I saw a noticeable difference. My skin was looking a lot softer, brighter, hydrated, and there was an increase in suppleness of my skin.

I have to say, there was a noticeable difference between what my skin looks like after doing the regular Oil Cleansing Method using water, and doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method without water.

I immediately decided this is something I NEEDED to continue doing, and decided to commit to a 30 day experiment exclusively doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method, including avoiding all water touching my face.

I wanted to see what would happen!

The Challenges

The biggest challenge I experienced during my 30 day Dry Oil Cleansing experiment was on day 3. I’ll never forget day #3!

Pretty much on the third day, I was beginning to feel a few raised bumps on my skin which were clogged pores.

I’ll admit I started to doubt my experiment and this cleansing method. I started thinking maybe I should incorporate a facial scrub once or twice a week in my routine to exfoliate my skin and to keep my pores clear of any buildup or debris.

But then again, I really wanted to do this experiment, and so far I really liked what not using water on my skin was doing.

Luckily there was a strong enough part of me that felt I just needed to ride it out and give this experiment a chance. It was only the third day, and many times it can take a few weeks for your skin to balance out and adjust.

(And I also promised myself that if my skin started getting really congested and bad, I could always stop the experiment at any time).

So, I decided to continue.

And I am glad I did, because aside from those few tiny raised bumps, my skin didn’t get any worse (and eventually those tiny raised bumps cleared up on their own).

But, I will mention there were two occasions during those 30 days where I got a pimple. Once at the very beginning of the experiment, and another time towards the end.

As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, what I’ve observed with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method and having acne-prone skin – is it won’t cause breakouts, but it takes forever for pimples to heal.

Normally when I get a pimple, it take 2-4 days for it to shrink up and disappear. When I was doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method, it would take over 2 weeks for the pimple to go away! It would just kind of sit there and not budge.

The first time I got a pimple during the 30 day Dry Oil Cleansing experiment (which was at the beginning of the experiment), I decided to sit back, observe it, and let it run it’s course. I wanted to see what will happen.

And as I just mentioned, it took forever for the pimple to heal and go away.

I think this is because there’s a lot of moisture coming from the Dry Oil Cleansing Method (which makes it great for dry and maturing skin), but if you have a pimple, cyst, wound or rash – too much moisture isn’t always a good thing. As I said in last week’s post – in order for any skin ailment or wound to heal it needs to be clean, dry, protected and have plenty of air/oxygen circulating around it. In some cases, too much oil can be too much of a barrier. And I believe this is why it takes forever for pimples to heal with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method.

The second time I got a pimple was at the end of the experiment. And, the same thing happened – the pimple just sat there. And as soon as the 30 day experiment ended, I switched back to the regular Oil Cleansing Method using water, to see if that would help. And yes, within 2-3 days the pimple was gone. I believe this is because the washcloth and water remove a lot more oil from the skin than the Dry Oil Cleansing Method does.

So right there I was able to see that Dry Oil Cleansing is great when your skin is clear, but as soon as you have a pimple or breakout, it’s much better to switch back to the regular Oil Cleansing Method using water to speed up the healing of pimples and blemishes.

Which do I prefer? Regular Oil Cleansing or Dry Oil Cleansing?

You now might be wondering which cleansing method I prefer?

As you know I have both maturing skin (I’m in my 40s), and I have acne-prone skin (for the most part I don’t get breakouts like I used to – as long as my diet is really healthy, I stick to skincare products that don’t give me breakouts, and my hormones are nice and balanced. If any of these things fall off balance, I get breakouts VERY EASILY, so I have to work REALLY HARD to keep my skin clear).

That being said, I still much prefer the results I’ve been getting from the Dry Oil Cleansing Method. I have to say this is one of the best anti-aging techniques I have found that delivers real results smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles, and it’s all natural!

But, if I get a pimple, I will always go back to the regular Oil Cleansing Method for Acne Prone Skin immediately to heal the breakout fast. And as soon as the blemishes are gone, I’m back on the Dry Oil Cleansing Method.

For me, this has been the best solution. I’m getting the benefits of both cleansing methods by being flexible and adjusting my skincare routine to my current needs.

Results & Benefits

Now I want to talk about all the results I’ve been getting from the Dry Oil Cleansing Method, and why I just love it so much!

It’s now been about 3 months I’ve been doing the Dry Oil Cleansing Method and I will say that my skin  is no longer dry, it has regained the elasticity and suppleness it was starting to lose, fine lines and wrinkles are much smoother, and most surprisingly – my skin is clearer than it’s ever been before!

Dry Oil Cleansing might be terrible when you’re in the midst of pimples and acne – but when your skin is clear, it’s great at keeping your skin hydrated, smooth, and glowing.

I strongly recommend Dry Oil Cleansing if your skin is:

  • dry
  • dull
  • grey
  • aging
  • sagging
  • lacklustre
  • line and wrinkled

Dry Oil Cleansing will bring back the life and radiance in your skin. That’s the best way I can describe it.

I believe the reason why it delivers such great (and transformative) results is because there’s no water being used.

Why water might not be so great after all?

You might already know this, but I’ve never been a big fan of using hot water on my face. I tell all my coaching clients to try washing their faces before showering, never in the shower or after. The reason why, is because most people bathe in really hot water, for too long. This irritates and dehydrate your skin, especially the delicate skin on your face.

Showers are great for washing your body and hair, not your face.

If you want more even skin tone, eliminate redness, irritation, and dry skin – don’t immerse your face under the running water in the shower. Wash your face over the sink, and when you take a shower, try not to get your face wet at all. Do this for 2 weeks, and you’ll see a huge difference in your skin!

Taking this one step further, and not using any water whatsoever with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method has brought on even better results of softer, dewier, and more balanced youthful skin.

So why is that?

Oil and water don’t work so great together

We’ve all learned in chemistry class that oil and water don’t mix.

In fact, oil and water repel each other.

But for some reason we’ve come to believe to effectively wash our face we need both oil and water. Or, to moisturize our skin, many of us have been taught it’s better to apply oil on top of moist or damp skin to absorb it better and seal in moisture.

But if oil and water don’t mix, none of that makes sense!

When I did my Dry Oil Cleansing experiment, I saw 3 things that REALLY surprised me:

My skin is now smoother and clearer than it’s ever been before

When I mention my dry oil cleansing experiment, most people tell me “Oh Natasha, that’s disgusting. You’re not washing your face!”

But from what I can see, the reverse is true.

Oil itself is a very effective cleanser, especially for breaking up and removing oil, dirt, debris, makeup, skincare products, and buildup of dead skin cells and sebum.

For example, lets look at waterproof mascara – probably one of the most difficult makeup products to thoroughly remove. Water certainly won’t remove it. But, we all know oil can (and most of us can agree, oil is the gentlest method of lifting and removing mascara off your delicate lashes and skin).

But for some reason we have such a strong attachment to using water.

Based on my experiment, using oil without water has been a lot gentler on my skin. Not only does it do a good job at cleaning my skin, but it won’t disrupt the ph of my skin causing dryness, irritation, or dehydration. After washing my face with oil and a dry cloth, my face feels just as clean as it does when using oil and a damp washcloth, and it’s a lot more moisturized.

Facial oil no longer sits on my face, but actually gets absorbed

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t normally wear moisturizing facial oils on my face during the day because they make my skin look terribly greasy and shiny.

If my skin is dry and I need to use an oil, I will actually put a primer over it to disguise the shine (that’s how bad it gets!).

But a crazy thing happened with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method – because I apply the oil to my dry face, and remove it with a dry cloth, whatever remaining oil on my skin absorbs immediately AND if I apply more oil on my skin afterwards (for extra moisturizing), that too absorbs into my skin within minutes!

This is the first time ever I’m seeing a facial oil thoroughly get absorbed into my skin (and I’m gaining the skin beautifying benefits of using it).

And why is that? I believe it because there’s not a drop water on my face to repel the oil, so the oil is able to absorb into my skin! (it’s as simple as that!).

And if you don’t believe me – look at last week’s video demo of the Dry Oil Cleaning Method, I point out how after patting or swiping the oil off my face with the dry cloth, how my skin doesn’t look oily or greasy – all remaining oil absorbs beautifully.

And this is the big reason why Dry Oil Cleansing helped me regain the moisture and elasticity back into my skin.

Skincare products and active ingredients actually work a lot better

Not only have I noticed that facial oils absorb a lot better into my skin with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method, but serums and products containing active ingredients seem to be delivering even better results too.

I am a big fan of using exfoliating acids like lactic acid and glycolic acid. They help to keep my skin clear, prevent breakouts and congestion, and can help fade acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

While doing the 30 day Dry Oil Cleansing experiment I continued using serums at night after cleansing. Every night I was alternating between Drunk Elephant TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum and Annmarie Skin Care Citrus Stem Cell Serum. I love these two serums, and I noticed my skin was even more brighter, even, and hydrated using these products in conjunction with Dry Oil Cleansing.

This was definitely a welcomed benefit!

How has my skincare routine changed since doing the 30 day Oil Cleansing Method experiment

It’s now been about 2 months since I completed my 30 day experiment, and you might be wondering how my skincare routine has changed, if at all?

For the most part, I’ve continue doing the Dry Oil Cleansing twice a day, every day. The two changes I have made to my routine over the past 2 months are as follows:

Whenever I have a pimple, I will switch back to the regular Oil Cleansing Method using water until the pimple heals

I actually haven’t had a single breakout or pimple since doing my 30 days experiment (how nice, I know!). But, my plan is if (and when) I do get a pimple, I would automatically go back to my Oil Cleansing Method For Acne Prone Skin (using water) until the pimple heals.

This, I believe is the best plan for acne prone skin that gets breakouts every once in a while.

One night a week I take a break from Dry Oil Cleansing and use a physical exfoliant and/or mask

Before I did the Dry Oil Cleansing experiment, my skincare routine involved using serums containing exfoliating acids a few nights a week (like Drunk Elephant TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum or Annmarie Skin Care Citrus Stem Cell Serum), and one night a week I would take a break from serums, and use a physical exfoliant/gentle facial scrub (like Living Libations Neroli Glow Polishing Creme Cleanser).

I liked this routine because I found using exfoliating serums and occasionally using a gentle facial scrub helped to keep my skin clear, soft, and bright.

When I did the Dry Oil Cleansing 30 day experiment, I continued using the exfoliating serums, but skipped using the exfoliating scrub for 30 days because I wanted to avoid using water on my skin for the month.

But I missed using a scrub once a week, so when I finished the 30 day experiment, I went back to using the facial scrub one evening a week.

On that one evening a week where I use a facial scrub, I also take a complete break from oil cleansing, and have a “deep cleanse” using a gel cleanser and maybe even a face mask too. I’m not sure if I’m doing this more for entertainment purposes, but I like shaking up my skincare routine and doing something different every once in a while.

As I said earlier, my skin has been clearer and smoother than it’s ever been before, so whatever I am doing, is working.

Products I’ve been using with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method

Some of you may want to know what products I was using during my 30 Day Dry Oil Cleansing Experiment, and what I added to my skincare routine afterwards (just a little note: as you can see I don’t just use one product, but tend to alternate between at least 2 or more products):

Oil Cleansers for Dry Oil Cleansing:

LIVING LIBATIONS Best Skin Ever (Rose)

LOA SKIN Botanical Beauty Elixir

Wash Cloths for Dry Oil Cleansing:

BUMMIS Cotton Wipes (Unfortunately now discontinued. I’m trying to find an alternative. You can use plain cotton fabric, like from pillow cases or bed sheets, or even an old cotton t-shirt. The cotton fabric needs to be thin and absorbent, 100% cotton).

Toners / Mists:

LIVING LIBATIONS Rose Glow Complexion Mist


LEAHLANI Bohemian Ruby Toner


ANNMARIE SKIN CARE Citrus Stem Cell Serum

Facial Oils:



LEAHLANI Happy Hour Balancing Serum

ANNMARIE SKIN CARE Facial Oil for Normal/Combination Skin

Facial Scrub:

LIVING LIBATIONS Neroli Glow Polishing Creme Cleanser

ANNMARIE SKIN CARE Kaolin Micro Exfoliant

Facial Masks:

LIVING LIBATIONS Royal Rose Honey Mask

ANNMARIE SKIN CARE Resurfacing Facial Exfoliant

LEAHLANI Meli Glow Illuminating Nectar Mask

Your questions answered about Dry Oil Cleansing

Last week when I did the Dry Oil Cleansing video demo and article, I ask you if you had any questions about the Dry Oil Cleansing Method, and if so, to send them to me and I’d answer them in today’s blog post and video.

So here’s the questions I received:

Q: I have rosacea, would dry oil cleansing be suitable for my skin?

A: Maybe.

Pretty much, Dry Oil Cleansing is not suitable if you have active pimples or acne, or if you have a rash on your face/neck. It’s also not suitable for some forms of dermatitis that don’t tolerate oils or excessive moisture.

Many times rosacea can actually be exasperated by water, especially chlorinated water, chemically treated water, and hard water – so decreasing or eliminating the use of water on your skin can help a lot (and therefore Dry Oil Cleansing might be good for your skin).

If you try dry oil cleansing, I recommend just using a pure/plain oil like jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, avocado oil, etc. Don’t use any oils or oil blends containing essential oils or infused oils because that could irritate your sensitive skin. It’s always best to use an oil you already know is compatible with your skin before experimenting with anything new or different than what you normally use.

Q: What do you do in the shower? I usually wash my face in the shower. How do you keep water off your face? Is the goal not to ever have water on your face?

A: I recommend washing your face over the sink before you have a shower, and while you are in the shower always face away from the shower head and don’t get your face wet (wash your hair and body, but not your face). Try it out, after a week or two you’ll probably see a big difference in your skin (more even skin tone, less redness/inflammation).

Too much water can be detrimental for your skin (especially the fragile skin on your face). Shower water tends to be quite hot and strong, and we’re in there for quite a while. I believe the less water on your face, the better – especially if you have acne prone skin, sensitive skin, or maturing skin.

Q: Do you use any serum or essence after the dry oil wash? Will the oil on the face act as a barrier for all the other products you would normally use after a face wash

I actually found serums and other skincare products to work a lot better with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method.

There could be a few reasons for this:

  • Oil and water don’t mix, so if I’m applying a serum, moisturizer/lotion, and/or facial oil on my skin (all of which are most likely made with oils), it much more likely to absorb if I used the Dry Oil Cleansing Method as opposed to a cleansing method using water
  • If I do use a toner or essence, I only use aloe-based products not water-based, so I’ve never seen an issue absorbing the product (plus many people use mists to set their makeup at the end of their skincare/makeup routine, and they’re misting their faces that are usually layered with a bunch of product containing oils)
  • Depending where you live, you might have hard water with a lot of minerals that can leave a buildup or residue on your skin (I live in a location where our water is extremely hard. All the surfaces in our home get a white residue due to the high calcium content in the water. If the surfaces have this residue, imagine what could be coating my skin? Which could in fact be more of barrier and irritant than the water).
  • If you are applying product on damp skin, the water already coating your skin could dilute the product, which could be another reason why I found products containing active ingredients worked better in conjunction with the Dry Oil Cleansing Method.

Have you tried the Dry Oil Cleansing Method yet?

Many of you told me last week you were excited to try the Dry Oil Cleansing Method out. If you have been experimenting with it, I’d love to hear what you think and what your results have been so far. Please let us know! (post in the comments below).

About the Author

Hi, I’m Natasha St. Michael, founder of Inspire Beauty. I’m also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Natural Health Educator accredited by the Institute For Integrative Nutrition. I’m obsessed with skin care and self-care. I’m 48 years old, struggled with adult acne until I was 30, and now I’m all about preserving the youthfulness of my skin (and sharing all my tips and tricks). If you have a question about a product or need a recommendation, feel free to contact me anytime.


This blog is for information purposes only. The content is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Should you have a medical or dermatological problem, please consult with your physician. None of the information or recommendations on this website should be interpreted as medical advice.

All product reviews, recommendations, and references are based on the author’s personal experience and impressions using the products. All views and opinions are the author’s own. 

Please see our Disclaimer for more information.

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20 Responses

  1. Hello there!
    Do u use mask before or after cleanser? And do u still continiu your serums and oils at sundays after cleansing?

    1. Hi Salma,
      Best to wash your face before using a mask.
      Every night I use serums and oils after cleansing, but if my skin is broken out, I might just only use an oil and no serum (unless the serum is formulated to sooth my irritated skin).

  2. Hello Natasha,
    I don’t wanna use chemical peels during the week but on sundys i need exfoliation too. I’ve watched your video about how to exfoliate relly gently sensetiv skin with washclothe and oil. To let it working for an hour than take it of with grovia cloth. So now my question: should i do this kinda exfoliation after or befor gel cleanser?- cause if i do it after there will stay some oil resedu on the skin right? I hope u doin well with pregnancy.

    1. Hi Salma,
      You can doing the oil exfoliation either after you use the gel cleanser, or skip the gel cleanser completely. With that method of exfoliation using oil, warm water and cloth, the cloth and water will remove the oil, so you won’t have any oil residue. Your skin will feel soft and moisturized afterwards, but definitely not oily.

    1. With the oil exfoliation, you might not need to use toner, serum or face oil after – it really depends what your skin type is. My recommendation is to try the oil exfoliation and see what your skin is like afterwards without any additional products. If your skin feels soft, hydrated and moisturized, no need to use anything else. But if your skin does feel a little dry or tight, then you can use toner, serum and/or facial oil.

  3. Hi There, with the dry oil cleanse method does it work to dry oil exfoliate? or should I use the water for exfoliating? or did you find you needed to exfoliate less with the dry oil cleanse method?

    1. Hi Suraya,
      Great question! I continued exfoliating my skin while doing the dry oil cleansing method. I exfoliate once or twice a week with a scrub and rinsing the scrub off with water.

  4. Great read!
    I see you’re using toners; when do you put these on since they are aloe/H2O based?

    Side note, we both use almost all the same products give or take – have you ever tried Face Food by Graydon (it’s a toner)
    I’ve been dry oil cleansing a few weeks now with insanely good results. I’m just trying to figure out when to use a toner. I’ve mostly been steering clear of them so they don’t create any barriers for my serums and oils. Just been using them once every 5 days or so when I actually wash my face to neutralize the water I put on my face. Just curious on your thoughts when to use a toner. Thanks!

    1. Hi Tank Girl,
      I use the toner after washing my face, so even after dry oil cleansing, I sometimes use toner after cleansing, before serum/moisturizer. I haven’t tried any Graydon products, you’ve peaked my curiosity. I’m glad to hear the dry oil cleansing is working for you, that’s awesome.

  5. Hello,
    Thanks for all the great info! Would you recommend dry OCM for blackheads? I know you do not for pimples. But I have maturing skin and lots of blackheads. Thank you

    1. Hi Amber,

      The dry oil cleansing won’t affect the blackheads or cause blackheads, but it won’t get rid of them either. So you can certainly do the dry oil cleansing if you have blackheads. I will warn you that sometimes the shine from facial oil can emphasize the appearance of blackheads, this wouldn’t be a problem doing dry oil cleansing at night before going to bed, but in the morning if you notice the dry oil cleansing leaving a shine on your skin and the blackheads really stand out, just blot the area with a tiny amount of finely milled powder (I recommend RMS “un” powder, this will smooth out your skin and disguise blackheads and enlarged pores without clogging them more).

      Here’s an article and video on how to treat blackheads:

  6. I love your blog. A question. Since you don’t use a toner or anything like that, when using the dry oil cleanse, how do you guarantee or make sure you get all the makeup or sunscreen off?? I usually use a toner just to check on the white cotton pad that there was nothing left. Also, the bumpkins flannels, I love them. How do you know when they need to be replaced, like when they’re not as soft?? How long do they usually last before losing the softness?? I keep using mine and I”ve had them for more than a year, lots of washes! Finally, when you swipe over the skin, how do you not irritate it, as I”m super sensitive. Also, I use bumpkins and find I see nothing come off on the flannel, does that mean I”m not using enough oil?? My skin absorbs it all and it feels almost completely dry as though I have no oil on it.

    1. Hi Andrea,

      I’m so glad you are enjoying the dry oil cleansing.

      At night I do a double cleanse with the dry oil cleansing to ensure I remove all sunscreen and makeup. I find it thoroughly removes everything. To double cleanse, all you do is “wash” your face twice with the oil and cloths (apply the oil to dry skin, remove it with the cloth, apply the oil again, and remove again).

      But if you want, you can definitely use a toner. I just prefer having some residue oil left on my skin to moisturize.

      As for the cloths, I’ve had them for years. I pretty much use them until they start disintegrating (which takes a few years). I just recently bought new ones, but I still have a few that I bought 7 years ago.

      We line dry all our laundry, so no dryer which usually makes everything nice and soft. But I’ve never found the cloths to get too rough. But, if your skin is super sensitive, best to press/dab the cloth on your skin and not swipe. And if you aren’t seeing any oil on the cloth when removing it, try using more oil.

      Thank you for letting me know how the dry oil cleansing has been going for you. I’m happy to know it’s been working for you.

  7. Hi Natasha, Thanks for this post! Ive been using SK-II essence for a couple months now and have noticed its brightening effects. Since I pay an arm and a leg for it I’m wondering if using it after the dry oil cleaning method will counteract the effectiveness since SK-II is water based?

    1. Hi April,
      Great question! The dry oil cleansing shouldn’t block the absorption of the essence. But, since you are getting great benefits from the essence I recommend using a plain oil for the dry oil cleansing. Sometimes essential oils and botanicals in one product can counter the effectiveness of another, so I would recommend sticking with a plain oil that doesn’t have any added essential oils for the dry oil cleansing, so the essence can continue doing its magic. Do that for a while, and later if you want you can experiment with oil blends to see if they work ok with the essence.

  8. Hi Natasha,

    I love your experiment! I definitely agree with you that water could be irritated sometimes! I have tried all the high-end cleanser and cream, but my skin still feels dry after applying layers of serum/oil/cream. I love using Josh Rosebrook dry cleansing oil, however, I am trying to stay away from essential oil, and over time my skin did get clogged. I have a quick question, is there other exfoliating serum that you can recommend to people with sensitive skin? I want to try the dry cleansing oil method again, but just worried about clogging pores. Thank you!

    1. Hi Sabrina,
      My favourite exfoliating serum is Drunk Elephant TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum. I use 1-2 nights a week and it helps to keep my skin clear. I’m very sensitive to exfoliating acids and this has been my go-to for many years. But I can’t use it every night, only once or twice a week. I’m really curious to try Josh Rosebrook new Daily Acid Toner. I’m going to purchase it soon, I’ll let you know how that works out.

  9. Hi Natasha,

    Thank you for your response! Can you provide some details of how you layer your skincare after the dry OCM? You mentioned that the skin will absorb oil-form skincare better after dry oil cleans, so I am curious how you add the Drunk Elephant serum in your routine and in which order?

    I started the regular oil cleansing with just jojoba oil, it worked fine the first time, but after a couple of days my skin started to become dry and rough, which I don’t know why.

    Do you think this is too harsh on the skin?
    I am currently battling with dry and dehydrated skin that none of the expensive serum/creams/cleansers helped at all.
    Devastating now but would love to try the dry OCM.

    Would like to know your current routine as well!

    1. Hi Sabrina,

      With the dry oil cleansing method, I apply serum (like the Drunk Elephant Glycolic Serum) right after cleansing and if I need moisturizer I use an oil or cream afterwards. Our skin is made up of both oil and water, so a little oil leftover from the dry oil cleansing won’t block other products from absorbing (I find it’s the opposite, products absorb better, even water based products).

      As for the regular oil cleansing method, maybe the jojoba isn’t nourishing enough for your skin. For dry skin, I recommend trying safflower or sunflower oil. That might be a better option. Do the wash cloths you’re using feels rough? Cause that too can irritate your skin, especially if your skin is dry which makes it more prone to sensitivity.

      Another thing you can try for dry and dehydrated skin is apply a moisturizing facial balm to soaking wet skin (after washing your face, don’t towel dry your skin, just apply the balm immediately to wet skin). I like using Josh Rosebrook Vital Balm Cream for this, but you can use any balm. It makes a HUGE difference. I do this at night.

      As for my daily skin care routine, it changes a lot because I’m always trying new products to review and for my shop. I post my skin care routine a lot to Instagram Stories. But I will take your question on board and try to do a blog post and video on my current routine.

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