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Got Tiny Bumps On Your Forehead? Try This


Do you have tiny, colourless bumps all over your forehead? Kind of like the skin on your forehead has a bumpy texture? It’s not pimples or a red rash. It’s tiny raised bumps all over your forehead (and sometimes on your cheeks, chin, and jawline too).

For years I was getting those terrible tiny bumps all over my forehead. I felt like I tried everything, but they just wouldn’t go away.

The bumpy texture is clogged pores, usually coming from a build up of dead skin cells, skincare products, excess sebum, and debris.

You might have sensitive skin that congests easily from certain skincare products or makeup. I get the forehead bumps from coconut oil.

Your diet can cause bumpy skin texture too. You can be eating something that is stimulating excess oil production in your skin that ends up clogging your pores. Check out this blog post on what to change in your diet to get rid of tiny bumps on your forehead.

But today I want to give you my favourite skin care trick to get rid of those tiny bumps fast.

And that is to start double cleansing your skin at night.

Done correctly, you can get rid of the small bumps on your face quickly and easily (sometimes in a few days, sometimes it takes a few weeks). And your skin will become soft, smooth and bright.

How to get rid of bumpy forehead texture with double cleansing.

What is double cleansing your skin?

Double cleansing is simply washing your face twice in a row with a VERY gentle, mild, oil-based cleanser (more details and instructions below). You only do it at night, never in the morning.

Why does double cleansing get rid of tiny bumps on your forehead?

Bumpy skin on your forehead is a symptom that your skin is congested.

Your pores are probably being blocked by skincare products, dead skin cells, oil and sebum, hair care products, pollution, makeup, or sunscreen that is building up on the surface of your skin (usually it’s a combination of these things).

Makeup and skincare products (especially foundation and sunscreens) are not the easiest to remove. Many times if you’re wearing a lot of products and makeup, when you wash your face at night, your cleanser might not be removing everything in one go. Or, it’s removing the makeup, sunscreen, but not removing the dead skin cells underneath or lifting sebum that’s building up in your pores.

If you wear foundation, sunscreen, makeup, many layers of skincare products – you need to make sure you remove all products thoroughly at the end of the day, before washing your face. And, that’s what double cleansing is. Step 1 is washing your face to remove all makeup, sunscreen, skincare products, debris and pollution. Step 2 is cleansing your face again to wash away dead cells and sebum.

You should only do this at night, after a long day of wearing products or makeup on your face.

There’s no need to do this in the morning. Doing so could potentially over cleanse your skin resulting in irritation and drying it out.

As long as you use a very gentle, oil-based cleanser, you will see the texture on your face begin to smooth out quite rapidly, even in a few days. That’s because you’re thoroughly removing everything that is building up on the surface of your skin, and sloughing off dead skin cells and sebum that could be clogging up your pores.

This techniques is essentially cleaning and exfoliating your face very gently, without using abrasive scrubs, irritating ingredients, or being rough.

Who should double cleanse?

You should double cleanse at night if your skin has a bumpy texture, and you answer “yes” to any of the following things:

  • You wear sunscreen or sunblock (chemical or physical sunblocks)
  • You wear foundation
  • You wear a lot of concealer and face powder
  • You wear a lot of skincare products during the day
  • You live in an area where there is a lot of pollution
  • You live in a hot or humid climate
  • You have bangs
  • You use a lot of hair styling products
  • You regularly wear hats


  1. Remove eye makeup and lipstick.
  2. Apply an oil-based cleanser to dry skin on your face and neck.
  3. Remove the cleanser with a damp washcloth.
  4. Apply the same oil-based cleanser again, or, use another mild cleanser to wash your face a second time. If you have dry skin, use the oil-based cleanser twice. If you have oily or combinations skin, you may prefer to use a mild gel cleanser for the second cleanse.
  5. Rinse your face and neck again with water, or use a damp washcloth to remove the cleanser.
  6. Follow with the rest of your evening skin care routine.

For best results:

To get the best results, details count! Follow these guidelines below to ensure you’re doing this cleansing method properly.

  1. Don’t double cleansing with soap or strong lathering cleansers.
  2. Only use a mild cleanser that is preferably oil-based (like a cleansing oil, cream cleanser, cleansing milk, or balm – some of my personal recommendations are below).
  3. If you have oily skin, a water-based gel cleanser is fine to use for the second cleanse (but the first cleanse still needs to be with an oil or oil-based cleanser). A water-based gel cleanser can be too striping/drying if used twice in a row.
  4. Don’t double cleanse with medicated cleansers (anything containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc.)
  5. No exfoliants or cleansers that have a grainy or abrasive texture.
  6. Don’t use a face brush or gadget (like a Clarisonic brush).
  7. If you use honey to cleanse your skin, only use it for the second cleanse. For example, wash your face once with a cleansing oil, milk, or balm; followed by cleansing with honey.
  8. Do this at night, never in the morning (you don’t want to dry your skin out, irritate it, or strip it of its protective oils).
  9. If you have very sensitive skin, only double cleanse on days you are wearing sunscreen, foundation, or heavy skincare products.
  10. On days where you’re not wearing makeup or sunscreen, and your skin is left bare; you can do a single cleanse at night.

What happens once the small bumps on your forehead clears up?

If you normally don’t wear any skincare products or makeup on your face during the day, once your skin clears up, you can stop, and go back to washing your face just once at night.

If you wear makeup, foundation, sunscreen, or live in a hot or polluted area, you’ll probably want to continue double cleansing (especially on days when you’re wearing foundation and/or sunscreen). You can always just double cleanse on days that you’re wearing makeup or sunscreen, or feel like your skin needs more thorough cleansing. Some people prefer to do it every night, others rather every other night, or even every two nights. It’s really up to how your skin is responding to it, and what feels best to you.

Recommended products

Here’s a few cleansers & wash cloths I recommend for double cleansing:

And, if you really want to get super smooth skin quickly, check out my blog post, 3 Foods To Take Out Of Your Diet To Get Rid Of Tiny Bumps On Your Forehead (do the double cleansing and take these 3 foods out of your diet – you’ll get the best results!).

About the Author

Hi, I’m Natasha St. Michael, founder of Inspire Beauty. I’m also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Natural Health Educator accredited by the Institute For Integrative Nutrition. I’m obsessed with skin care and self-care. I’m 48 years old, struggled with adult acne until I was 30, and now I’m all about preserving the youthfulness of my skin (and sharing all my tips and tricks). If you have a question about a product or need a recommendation, feel free to contact me anytime.


This blog is for information purposes only. The content is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Should you have a medical or dermatological problem, please consult with your physician. None of the information or recommendations on this website should be interpreted as medical advice.

All product reviews, recommendations, and references are based on the author’s personal experience and impressions using the products. All views and opinions are the author’s own. 

Please see our Disclaimer for more information.

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335 Responses

  1. Hi Natasha, I live on the countryside, am using no foundation, no sunscreen, hairspray etc, and am eating vegan but always have some bumbs on the forehead that don’t disappear. The only thing I put on my skin is good old Nivea Creme (mineral oil based) to which my skin is really addicted as I am using it for 25 years now. In summertime the bumps are getting worse. I will try your advice!! I have tried many times to get off Nivea Creme but it doesnt work. Anything else – organic creams, lotions, oils or whatsoever – leaves my skin with a very, very unpleasant feeling of dryness and tension. Do you have any advice how to get off this mineral oil based product? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Angelika,
      Yes it’s probably the Nivea Creme that’s giving you the bumps (and it’s more pronounced in the summer months because your sweating and your pores are congested). May I ask how you’re using the Nivea, as moisturizer or cold cream cleanser? One thing to remember when changing skin care products in your routine, it does take a few days, even a week for your skin to adjust to the change. You also have to make sure that the cleanser you’re using isn’t stripping your skin that it makes you rely heavily on a moisturizer to replenish your skin. I suggest doing an experiment – go a minimum of 2 weeks no nivea, if you can go without anything to replace it (except for a super gentle cleanser), try that. Your skin will feel tight and dry for a couple of days (that’s normal), but you’ll be surprised to see that after a few days, your skin will balance out. If you do need a moisturizer, go to a health food store or shop that specializes in natural skin care and bring your nivea with you, and test out different creams that have a similar weight and texture. Lastly, make sure you aren’t bathing or washing your face in hot water (warm water is fine), but hot showers are the worst, they’ll dry out your skin (and make you even more attached to your nivea!). Try these suggestions and let me know how it goes!

    2. Hi, Natasha
      Ive just started ti wear makeup and now Ive got bumps all over my face and I was jist wondering if bio oil is good for double cleansing. And if i can cleanse with micellar water for and then the bio oil

    3. Hi Radiyah
      The bumps are probably coming from the makeup, better switch to a different brand or stop using it. I recommend using jojoba oil or grapeseed oil to double cleanse with instead of bio oil (bio oil has ingredients that could give you breakouts, much safer to use grapeseed oil). I would just use the grapeseed oil to cleanse twice, skip the micellar water.

    4. Hi, I’m 14 and have suffered with forehead bumps for a while now. I was wondering if I could use sweet almond oil to cleanse my face instead of buying a cleanser? I’ve been looking at ways to get rid of them and loads of people seem to have their own ideas on what to use and what they are. Are natural oils the best way?

    5. hey! i have alot of tiny bumps on my forehead but is the ‘etude milky you one step cleasing milk’can it use for double cleansing??

    6. Hi Meiyuan,
      Cleansing milks are usually gentle enough to use for double cleansing, but some of them can leave residues on the skin, which can clog pores. You can try it out for a week or two, and if your skin is responding well, then continue, but if your skin gets congested, then best to use the cleansing milk as a first cleanse, and use another cleanser for the second cleanse (any non-foaming/non-drying cleanser is fine).

    7. am a boy aged 19 but i havei bumpy forehead .and i dont wear makeups..apart from the lotion i apply on my question is that can i double clean my face.

    8. Whatever works best for you. If you do wear makeup during the day, I would do the double cleansing as soon as you get home and not wait until you go to sleep. The less time you have makeup on your skin, the easier it will be to heal.

    9. Hi. I have many allergies to soaps o facial wash. Can I use cetaphil for double cleansing, instead? Thank you.

  2. My belief is….if you eat only good organic foods throughout the day, and every day, your skin will show it. What you put in the inside…shows on the outside and even the organic foods that you eat, are even able to be used as a skin wash! I wouldn’t dare put any chemical that I couldn’t even pronounce or that isn’t organic, on my skin. Why buy anything extra, when you have natural things you have in your refrigerator or cupboard that can used for your skin care?

    1. i eat all organic food, i’m vegan, live in the countryside don’t use any makeup or sunscreen – but i still have acne. for some people it’s hormonal or genetic, you shouldn’t just assume people with acne aren’t looking after themselves properly.

  3. Apple cider vinegar with the “mother” is awesome to clear up break outs. It balances the pH of your skin. Also, taking probiotics can help as well.

  4. I double cleanse my face for more than a year now and I really love it!!
    It has helped my skin become less oily and I enjoy the ritual.
    I start with an oil based cleanser, a balm or an emulsifying oil but I also want to try the Living Libations BSE.
    After the oil, I use a cream cleanser, a soft step to clean my skin thorough.
    Than I use a toner, a serum and as a final step a moisturizer.
    My skin has never been better!

    1. Hi Martine,
      I’m so happy to hear the results you’re getting from double cleansing and your skin care routine. Fantastic! And yes, you definitely have to try Living Libations Best Skin Ever, it’s my favourite 🙂

    2. I’m a 15 yr old girl don’t wear makeup only
      Moisturizer with aloe Vera gel and wash face, what cheap drugstore cleansing milks should I use ?

  5. So I have double cleansed with a few things:
    scrub + cleanser (not so gentle morning and night;
    honey + cleanser (not so gentle) in the morning

    What I will take away from this post is double cleanse:
    oil cleanser + honey (only at night). Thanks Natasha 🙂

    1. I have forehead acne and I want to try double cleansing my skin but I want to know what products I should buy from a local Walgreens store to cleanse my skin

  6. Hi Natasha , I’m going to try your strategy and see if it works on me I have so many bumps on my forehead that it makes my makeup look like it’s all clogged up together , the cleanser I’m using is the black African soap. Is it ok if I double cleanse with that ?

    1. Hi Jasmine,

      As Colette said, the African soap would be too drying/stripping to use for double cleansing. You pretty much want to use a cleanser that is moisturizing, and I recommend an oil-based cleanser such as an oil or an oil blend, or a balm, cleansing cream or a cleansing milk. Anything that leaves your skin clean and slightly moisturized is best. Stay away from soaps and any foaming cleanser for double cleansing because it will dry out your skin and can aggravate breakouts and acne. (In the blog article I’ve listed a few products I recommend for double cleansing, you can check that out too).

  7. Hi Jasmine,

    I know lots of people swear by African black soap. In my experience black soap is very strong (depending on the brand) and at best, should be diluted before use (by mixing with water).

    I think double cleansing with black soap would dry out my skin if the black soap is used twice.

    I also think double cleanse here means oil and something oil as a cleanser and then oil as a moisturiser.

  8. What do you recommend for removing eye makeup before cleansing? I’ve been using jojoba oil, and gently wiping it off as I do my regular oil cleansing but not as an extra step.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, you can use the jojoba oil for removing makeup as well. Just do it in two steps instead of one which will ensure everything is removed and you’re getting a deeper cleanse.

  9. Can I use a cleansing water instead of a cleansing oil?
    What other oils are good to use to double cleanse your skin?
    Do you know of any drug store face washes that may work for me?

    1. Hi Arabelle,
      The cleansing water is too drying for double cleansing, always use an oil or an oil-based cleanser. You can use jojoba oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil. If your skin is on the drier side you can use a richer oil like sweet almond oil, olive oil, avocado oil. Most oils are fine, except mineral oil, coconut oil and soybean oil.

  10. Thanks I haven’t been double cleasing with black African soap , instead I’ve been using cetaphil for double cleasing and does show some results. In the middle of my forehead it’s kinda getting clear so I’m going to keep using cetaphil. Is cetaphil ok to use for double cleasing ? And if I use masks that exfoliates my skin , will that help me clear my forehead faster !?

    1. Hi Jasmine,
      I’d be careful double cleansing with Cetaphil, it could dry out your skin. You can use it for the second cleanse, but the first cleanse should be with an oil or oil-based cleanser. I would avoid most masks until your skin clears up, this is a good time to let your skin be and heal.

  11. Ever since about February my skin has had this problem on mainly just my forehead. At first I thought it was heat rash, or eczema but this makes more sense to what it is. And recently I was thinking if it was clogged pores since I am very so into makeup and wear it mostly all the time. But this problem with my forehead has taken a toll on my face and my self confidence. It doesn’t help that I have rosey cheeks and dry skin. Acne cleansers have never ever worked on my skin so I don’t waste my time buying anything related to that.. but I do want to try this. Can I possibly be linked to some oils online to buy? I want to get the best products to try this. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Korin,

      The quality of the oil you use does matter. There are a few things to look for in an essential oil including the packagig and labelling.

      Ideally, top quality oil is stored be in a dark brown bottle. You can imagine why.

      The label should say 100% or have the scientific name.

      Another issue is the price. Should not be too cheap.

      Some persons are also allergic to some oils so test on a patch of skin before using new oils.

      Hope that helps.

    2. Hi Korin,
      Whenever possible, I recommend taking a break from makeup because it could very well be what’s causing the forehead breakouts. Even just removing it as soon as you get home instead of waiting before bed can give your skin a few extra hours every day to breath.
      Two cleansing oils that I really like for double cleansing are Living Libations Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever and also Tata Harper Nourishing Oil Cleanser. You can also just use a Jojoba Oil which is good for breakout-prone skin.

    1. Hi – Can you use two different oil based cleansers one after another for the double cleansing method? I’m thinking Coconut Oil and following up with Jojoba Oil.

    2. Natasha recommends “Jojoba Oil (or any other pure, cold pressed oil that is compatible with your skin – no mineral oil!)” so as long as coconut oil is compatible with your skin you can try that combo.

    3. Hi Lulette,
      You can certainly use two different oils for the double cleansing method. Do keep an eye out for the coconut oil and how your skin is responding to it (for some people, coconut oil can be great for their skin, others it can cause breakouts – you’ll only know by trying!).

  12. Hi Natasha,

    Thanks for all the info! I’ve been struggling with a “bumpy forehead” for nearly a year now – maybe turning 30, maybe moving to NYC, whatever it is they’re proving hard to shift. I’ve always just washed my face with water and then moisturised in the morning and not done anything at night (since I don’t wear makeup), but a month ago I switched to the oil cleansing method in an attempt to try something different but still natural and simple. After some research I chose to use hemp oil – but I notice you don’t mention hemp oil at all – what’s your view on it? I managed to find organic, cold pressed oil in my local health food store, although it’s intended for eating rather than as a skin care product.

    1. Hi Zeena,
      Hemp oil is actually known to be very good for acne prone skin. The only thing with hemp oil is it must be refrigerated, and you must use it up quickly (after opening the bottle, it will only be good for 1-2 months, after that it goes rancid). For those reasons it’s not the most practical oil, but I’ve known many people to get great results using it. You should definitely try it out with the double cleansing (and let me know how it goes!).

    2. Hi Zeena,

      While I have only heard of hemp oil, it is said that what you put on your skin should be good enough to eat. 🙂 How have you found this oil so far?

  13. Hi both – thanks for such speedy replies! So far I’ve not really noticed an improvement – but I think I’ve been making lots of mistakes in how I use it. I’ve been washing my face with quite hot water in the shower, then massaging in the hemp oil and rinsing with cold water and then drying using my normal bath towel. The oil itself feels lovely – but it does smell a bit odd – I’ve got used to it already but my husband complains that it smells of cabbages!

    1. Hi Zeena,
      Here’s a blog post I’ve done on Oil Cleansing Acne Prone Skin. It walks you through step by step how to wash your face with oil, plus there’s a video demo. Its best not to wash your face in the shower (the water is too hot & strong), and I actually recommend removing the oil with a wash cloth rather than rinsing with water (oil & water repel each other, so the water isn’t doing much to remove the oil and debris

  14. Hi Natasha – thanks! I’ve started following your advice and am working my way through your 5 day email course – I will let you know the results. I’ve a couple of questions:
    1) Do you need to exfoliate in addition or is using the gentle wash cloths enough?
    2) My face never used to be greasy in the afternoon but since switching to oil cleansing my forehead seems greasy later in the day – any idea why this is? thanks!!

    1. Hi Zeena,
      If you do the double cleansing with the soft wash cloth, no need for extra exfoliation (it’s already gently exfoliating your skin, and if you do the double cleansing regularly, this is a good way to keep your skin smooth, clear and bright).
      As for getting oily skin a few hours after washing your face with oil, this might be a reaction to the oil you are using. I had a similar experience when I was using olive oil as an oil cleanser. It was great at keeping my skin clear & smooth but my skin would get a heavy film of oil a few hours after cleansing. I see that as a reaction to the oil (and your body’s way of protecting your skin from something it’s being irritated by), I then switched to using Living Libations Best Skin Ever and I no longer got the afternoon oily skin. You might want to experiment with another oil to see if it makes a difference. You can try jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, or safflower oil.

    2. Hi Natasha,

      Thanks for your help. I’ve been trying this method for a month now – and whilst my forehead has cleared up a bit my cheeks (particularly the lower half) & neck (behind jawbone/below ears) have more bumps/red bumps than they ever had before!

      It seems that my T-zone has improved but the areas outside of the T-zone are struggling. I think my regime (double cleansing with hemp oil in the evening and cleansing once with hemp oil in the morning) is too drying for my skin. Often my skin feels a bit tight after cleansing and I sometimes have to use a tiny bit more hemp oil as a moisturiser.

      Which oils would you recommend as a moisturiser rather than a cleanser? Are any light enough to be easily absorbed without having to wipe them off but also low-comodegenic? I was thinking about trying grape seed oil.


    3. Hi Zeena
      It sound like the hemp oil is too drying for your skin. You can try the grapeseed or jojoba oil. If still too drying, I recommend trying a richer oil like sweet almond oil. The only oil I don’t recommend is coconut oil, the rest of the oils are low-comedogenic, and everyone’s skin is different – so best to try out different oils and see how your skin responds.

    4. Thanks Natasha! I’ll try the grape seed oil – I’ve heard great things about it. I’m also switching to just cleansing every couple of days and not letting anything touch my face in the time in between (not even water as even a splash of cold water seems to dry my skin out!).

      Thanks so much for providing this website/blog/replying to my our comments!!

  15. Hi! I’m Josie and I’ve suffered from these oil bumps ever since I used my cousin’s face sunscreen on accident. My friend recently recommended cerave as that is what cleared hers up in a day and was dermatologist recommended. I was thinking about buying the product, then so read your article. I have avocado oil and I’m pretty sure jojoba oil. My only question is, would my lotion-like cetaphil clearer work and would I rinse after the second cleanse?

    1. Hi Josie,
      Don’t use the cetaphil for the double cleansing, it’s too drying to be used twice in a row. Out of the two oils you have, I recommend doing the double cleansing with the jojoba oil. Make sure to check out my blog post on my Oil Cleansing Method for Acne Prone Skin (it has a video demo as well). This will make sure you do the double cleansing with oil correctly, and get the best results!

    1. Hi Joanna,

      It could be your swim cap causing it, but I have a feeling it’s the chlorinated water you are swimming in that’s really causing it.

      Unfortunately the chlorine and chemicals in swimming pools irritate and dry out the skin, which in turn can cause your body to overproduce oil/sebum to compensate, which then causes clogged pores and raised bumps on your skin. Since you’re a swimmer, that’s what you do, I recommend put a small amount of oil (jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, or argan oil) on you face BEFORE you go swimming to seal in moisture and protect your skin a from the drying chemical. Make sure after swimming you’re not washing your face with any cleansers (because that will dry out your skin more, causing more issues), and instead if you need to, dab a little oil on your skin to bring back some moisture.

    1. Hi Daniela,
      Unfortunately, pure coconut oil is the one oil that could cause those tiny raised bumps and breakouts. I recommend anything but coconut oil (unless you’ve been using coconut oil forever and never had any breakouts or issues with it). Instead, any other oil would be good. The best oils for acne prone skin are jojoba oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, argan oil, etc.

  16. Is it okay to use Clinique cleansing milk? I have been using that for a 2-3 weeks and there is certainly a change, but im not sure if it is a good change, my small bumps have gotten smaller but there is still a lot. I have avacado oil at home so i was thinking about switching to that?

    1. Hi Channa,
      I would switch to the avocado oil. I find a lot of times the tiny bumps can be caused by a sensitivity to an ingredient in skincare products, and usually a lot of the mainstream skincare products (like Clinique) use ingredients and fragrances that can cause sensitivity. If you use a pure oil, the chances of getting a breakout from the actual product is a lot less.

      Also, I recommend checking out my latest article on what to change in your diet to get rid of those tiny bumps on forehead (those tiny bumps could very well be coming from both the products you’re using and the some foods in your diet. Here’s the link:

  17. Hi Channa,

    Maybe it’s gentle enough. Here’s a website you can use to check out the individual ingredients.


  18. I will not wear any makeup or sunscreen but I get acne on forehead.i think it’s due to oily skin and dandruff.should i follow this double cleansing method?.im not knowing where to purchase jojoba oil.will u give details about that.please help

  19. Hi Natasha! i really want to start a natural (as much i can) skin care routine, and i’ll really appriciate if you will anser me for my questions:
    1) if i don’t wear makeup, only sunscreen, should i do double cleansing?
    2) what do you think about Dr. bronner’s soaps ? (and also about cetaphil and african black soap? as a regular cleansing)?
    3) if i want to do the double cleansing,can i do that like this:
    1. wash my face with jojoba oil (i need to pat dry?)
    2. wash again but with Dr. bronner’s soap with Vanity planet (face brush)
    3. Toner (ACV)
    4. Moisturize with jojoba oil (or add argan oil, rose hip oil,some essential oils – do a mixture)
    5. Dab tee tree oil on Blemishes
    6. use aloe vera as a extra moisturizer.
    4) what do you recommended to do in the morning routine? can i just wash my face with dr. bronner’s, then moisture with jojoba oil, and then but a sunscreen?
    5) Further to the third question, should i after the first time when wash my face with jojoba oil, wash my face again with jojoba oil, and only after that cleanse with face brush + Dr. bronner’s ?
    I’m really really sorry about the digging, but it’s really importent to me, and i’ll really really appriciate if you’ll answer to my questions 🙂

    1. Hi Maria,
      For breakouts and acne:
      – I don’t recommend any soaps or lathering cleansers (including dr. bronners, african black soap, etc).
      – For double cleansing, you must use an oil-based cleanser (this can be a pure oil, an oil blend, or a milk/cream cleanser). At night, only wash you face twice with the oil-based cleanser, don’t follow it with soaps or anything else.
      – Don’t use a brush on your face
      – When you have breakouts or acne, I don’t recommend using toners, and in general I recommend using the least amount of products on your face to let your skin heal (if you need a moisturizer, you can use a little oil like argan, jojoba, grape seeds, etc., and a fresh aloe vera mask is fine too).
      – Dabbing tea tree oil on a blemish is fine, only do that once a day, at night.
      – For your morning routine, you can just wash your face once with your non-soap cleanser or oil and then follow with your sunscreen (keep things simple!).

      Here’s an article/video you should check out, it goes over a lot of the things you were asking about:

  20. Hi Natasha! I am so excited to try this method out but I am on a budget so can you please recommend to me a cheap oil-based cleanser please? Maybe one from the drugstore please? And please correct me if I’m wrong, so basically I wash my face twice with an oil based cleanser, then moisturize my skin? Is there any other products I will need to use, and if so what cheap products do you recommend? Thank you so much!!

    1. Hi Suzana,
      You can use a plain oil like grapeseed oil or safflower oil from the grocery store, or buy a pure jojoba oil from the health food store. All these are good for cleansing acne prone skin, and not expensive. And yes, double cleansing is simply washing your face twice with the oil-based cleanser or oil, and if need be, you can moisturize afterwards (you might notice your skin gets plenty of moisture from cleansing with oil, so you might not need to moisturize afterwards). Here’s a link to a video demo on how to wash your face with oil:

  21. Hi,
    So I have those tiny bumps present on my forehead as well as on some parts of my face. I was informed to steam my face once a week but I also apply cetaphil cleanser in the morning and use my clarisonic brush to exfoliate then at night when I shower I apply the cleanser again. It’s been about two weeks and I haven’t been applying any foundation/makeup but there hasn’t been any changes. Any recommendations!??? I would really appreciate it!!!

    1. Hi Preet,
      I believe the steaming and clarisonic brush are just irritating your skin more. My recommendation is to just stick with a gentle cleanser morning and night (you can use Cetaphil, or even try washing your face with smooth pure honey which is great for breakout-prone skin). Here’s a link showing how to wash your face with honey:
      I also recommend checking out a blog post/video I put together on what to change in your diet to clear up those tiny bumps on forehead (usually it a combination of diet and wrong skin care that’s causing those bumps). Here’s the blog post:

  22. This post is a game changer for me. I read it about two weeks ago and ordered a few samples of various oil cleansers to give double cleansing a shot. I wear light makeup almost everyday and have combination skin. My bumpy forehead has been driving me up the wall for YEARS. After just a few days of double cleansing with BSE, following your instructions, I was shocked to see the very noticeable difference. My skin is on its way to flawlessness, which is no easy feat in cold Montreal weather. Big thanks!!!

    1. Love your results Daphnee!! I’m a fellow Montrealer, and I too suffered the bumpy forehead for years! I’m so happy you’ve seen a difference so quickly, awesome! And thank you for letting me know, you made my day 🙂

  23. I am really grateful for this post! I have been struggling with a bumpy forehead for years and I just started cleansing with an older gentle cleanser that I had stored away, and am doing the double cleansing. I am going to order the living libations and am excited to add that to the process! I am curious however, should we be double cleansing using our hands or a washcloth? I have been using my hands, but on the living libations directions it advises using a washcloth. Let me know what you think! Thanks

  24. Thank you! So on the video you said it should be done once in the morning and in the evening. If I am focused on getting rid of these tiny bumps on the forehead, should I stick to the double cleansing (with the living libations) and not wash in the mornings?

    1. Hi Korey,
      I recommend:
      Morning: washing your face once with your preferred cleanser (you can definitely use the Living Libations BSE).
      Evening: double cleanse (wash your face twice in a row) with an oil or oil-based cleanser (such as Living Libations BSE).

      Pretty much it’s only in the evening that you do a double cleanse. In the morning you just do a single cleanse. And no problem using the same oil or oil-based cleanser both morning & night.

  25. hello! I would really like to ask if double cleansing is still suitable for a person who has oily skin.. will it leave the skin even even oilier? also would you recommend the Neutrogena cleansing oil for double cleansing? thank you so much in advance! 🙂

    1. Hi Rika,
      Double cleansing with oil is great for oily skin! It won’t make your skin oilier or dry, and in fact it will help to balance it out. I don’t recommend Neutrogena cleansing oil because it’s made with a bunch of ingredients that can be comedogenic (clog your pores) and irritate your skin – most notably I wouldn’t recommend using anything made with mineral oil, or that contains synthetic fragrance (essential oils can be ok, but stay away from any product that lists “fragrance” as an ingredient). You’re much better off using a pure oil for double cleansing like jojoba oil, grape seed oil, safflower oil, argan oil, etc (all of these you can find at a health food store). Do check out my article and video on my oil cleansing method for acne prone skin –>

  26. Hello 🙂
    I am curious regarding the cleanser used for this method. I am using goat milk soap which only contain pure goat milk and glycerin on it. Can i use this cleanser for double cleansing? Especially I found,this is the only product good for my sensitive skin. Im afraid to try new products based on worst experiences lol. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Elly,
      I don’t recommend any soaps for double cleansing, it will dry out your skin which can make skin issues worse. For double cleansing always use a moisturizing cleanser – I recommend an oil-based cleanser cause soaps and gel cleansers are usually too stripping when used twice in a row. An oil-based cleanser used for double cleansing will thoroughly clean your skin and leave it moisturized.

  27. I have sensitive/ and oilyish -combination skin. Is it ok if I use Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel gentle skim cleanser to double wash my face? Or will it dry my face out and cause more problems?

    1. Hi Nadia,
      Unfortunately I think the cleanser with witch hazel will dry out your skin if you use it for double cleansing. Better to find a more nourishing/moisturizing cleanser when doing the double cleansing method.

  28. I did everything exactly as written in the article,for 3 weeks now and nothing has changed, it even got worser.

    1. Hi Anonym,
      If it’s getting worse, it could be one of two things (or both) – either what you’re using to double cleanse your skin is causing those bumps (so the more you wash with it, the worse it’s going to get), or the bumps have nothing to do with what you’re putting on your skin, and are caused by internal issue and can be balanced out by making adjustments to your diet. Do check out this article/video on what to change in your diet to get rid of bumpy forehead:

  29. I love washing my face with baby wash. It’s gentle, moisterizing, smells good, and isn’t too heavy. And you can use it in the shower on your whole body.

  30. Hi, i’m 15 years old and i never wear any make up but yeah, i have this little bumps on my forehead, should i still double cleanse? because there’s a line there when you said that if you don’t wear make up for the entire day, no need to double cleanse your face. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Mikka,

      In general, I recommend honey cleansing over oil cleansing for teenagers and younger skin (unless you have really dry skin, then try the oil cleansing).

      My recommendation would be to try honey cleansing for a few weeks and see how that goes. Here’s an article/video demo showing how to honey cleanse:

      As for the bumps on the forehead, because you’re in your teenage years and going through a lot of hormone changes, the breakouts and bumps on forehead could be coming from that. My recommendation is to work on eating healthier with a lot more vegetables in your diet, and stay away from any junk food, sugar, fast food and things like that. This can really help clear up your skin! Here’s an article on diet suggestion to get rid of bumpy forehead:

    2. Hi Alexa,
      Best to use pure honey as a cleanser. You can buy a small jar of honey from a health food store. Just make sure it’s smooth, doesn’t have a grainy texture.
      As for moisturizer, how about trying 2-3 drops of grapeseed oil or jojoba oil (also can get from any health food store).
      Using really simple products not made with many ingredients helps acne the most!

    1. Hi Gemma,
      First see if you even need skin care products after double cleansing with oil or oil-based products. Many people find that oil cleansing is quite moisturizing and don’t need anything after. If you do find your skin feels dry or tight, my recommendation is to moisturize your skin with 2 or 3 drops of oil (like argan oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, or jojoba oil). When you have those tiny bumps on your skin, you don’t want to use much products or makeup because they can congest your skin or make it worse. Until your skin clears up and the bumps go away, the less products you use, the better!

  31. Hi Natasha,
    I feel lucky to have found your post. I have had a bumpy forehead for about a year now with no relief. I had purchased and started using organic, cold-pressed rosehip oil to moisturize in cold new england. Would this be an effective oil to use for double cleansing? My skin fluctuates hormonally but the main culprit that I can’t seem to control are all the teeny tiny forehead bumps! Gah!

    1. Hi Alexis,
      Yes, if your skin is responding well to moisturizing with the rosehip oil, you can certainly use it for cleansing too (either single or double cleansing).
      Also, here’s a link to an article/video I put together on some diet changes to get rid of those bumps (I find people get the best results when they improve both their diet & skincare routine, so definitely worth trying this out too)–>

  32. If I already have oily skin, wouldn’t adding a oil based face wash be bad? What would I be able to use that isn’t oil based?

    1. Hi Alejandra,
      Actually using a cleansing oil can help to balance out oily skin! Oil actually removes oil (and water repels oil). Plus, many times oily skin is a result of using products that are too harsh or drying, that dry out your skin and make your body over produce oil to get moisture back.
      Here is a link to a video demo/blog post on how to wash acne prone skin with oil:
      And if you prefer not to use an oil cleanser, for oily skin, I recommend washing your face with honey, here’s a video demo/blog post on that:

  33. Hi Natasha,

    Absolutely love your article!

    I have struggled with oily skin and i get a lot of really tiny bumps, especially on my chin and right cheek. Lately it has gotten worse, and nothing can stop it. Started using clarins a year ago and it completely transformed my skin up until about October last year. It doesnt seem to be working any longer. I read your article on diet and it could possible be because i only started drinking coffee the last couple of months, increased my protein and even started eating sweets and chocolates i usually hate (desperate to gain weight). However, i’m wondering if the bumps i get are the same as the ones you are talking about. Mine, when squeezed, produce slimy off white substance, which sometimes has a horrid smell. I get a lot of it on my nose as well and the last couple of weeks, my fore head. They are under the skin and when i wash my face, sometimes come out and look white in colour. Got Jojoba oil today to try out the double cleansing. Is there anything else you recommend? or would you suggest a different oil or honey. I’m 22 years old.

    Thank you so much!!!

    1. Hi BJ,
      For the bumpy skin, I recommend working on your diet, especially getting off the coffee and dairy. Also look at this article/video that has a few more tips for bumpy skin:

      You mentioned that you get the bumps only on your right cheek – I wonder if you have contact dermatitis, which is result of an allergy to something touching your skin. Best to use an eco detergent that is fragrance free, like a free & clear detergent for washing towels, pillow cases, and linens (and no bleach), plus be careful with skincare products or makeup you might be using that could case allergic reaction. And keep your phone clean too, cause that tends to rub on your cheek as well (and if you are right handed, it will be rubbing against your right cheek).

      Because you have oily younger skin, try cleansing your skin with honey – its great for decongesting the skin, healing breakouts and keeping skin clear. Here’s a link to video demo and article how to wash face with honey:

    2. Hi Natasha,

      Thanks for the quick response. It started with my right cheek after I reacted to some medication when I was 17. And the last few months, I started getting it on my fore head too… usually when I change skin care products. My left cheek (which I usually sleep on) is usually pretty clear.

      Also I started with the jojoba oil on Saturday, so far I like how it feels, because I don’t have to use a moisturiser and I have not broken out from it. My tiny little underskin bumps haven’t disappeared yet (only been 2 days). Is it safe it use it in the morning once as a cleanser and then double cleanse with it again in the evening. Like, cleanse my skin with my clarins wash, and then use the jojoba oil after, that way I don’t have to use a moisturiser, so it doesn’t clog my pores. Or would that be over cleansing.

      I know you suggested honey, but in the past honey has broken me out… but it might have just been bad honey. I don’t remember what type it was, just found it at home and used it. I developed a rash. Would you suggest I try it out again. Thank you!

    3. Hi BJ,
      Ya don’t use the honey if it gave you a rash, you probably having an allergy or sensitivity to it.
      If the jojoba feels good, definitely continue. It can take a few weeks to start seeing improvements, so keep going 🙂
      Doing a single cleanse with the jojoba in the morning, and then double cleanse at night is perfect. If you can eventually completely replace the Clarins with just using the jojoba oil, that would be the best (and could very well give you much better results). All you would do is in the evening instead of using the Clarins and then the oil, you just wash your face twice in a row with the oil. It will thoroughly cleanse and hydrate your skin, and it’s so gentle, allowing your skin to heal.

    4. Hi Natasha,

      Hope you’re well? I am a little confused. Hopefully you can help me out with my questions. I have been using the Jojoba oil for the double cleansing at night and once in the morning (no moisturiser) for exactly 2 weeks now. I didn’t notice a different at first, maybe 2 EXTREMELY tiny spots under my chin. However, the underskin tiny bumps that were previously on my forehead have cleared… i did see a few (very few and tiny) white stuff left. Kind of like, the slimy off white thing that comes out, when i squeeze the sebaceous filaments around my nose. However, thats not really a problem because its easy to wipe them off. The issue is my left cheek, which was the clearest part of my face, has a few underskin spots now, that i can barely see. They feel like whiteheads under the skin trying to come out, when I touch them, but they aren’t visible… some are a little darker than my usual complexion but i can feel them when i put my hand on my cheek. It does seem like my right side also cleared up a bit too, still have a few but they are much smaller in size than the new ones that appeared on the left side. But no difference around my nose and chin (still have a lot of Sebaceous filaments) and those areas feel a bit dry when touched. I also changed my diet as recommended. I cut out coffee and dairy products completely, cut out sugar to a great extent (no sweets or chocolates) as well. My questions are:
      (i) the Jojoba oil I use came in a clear bottle and it does have its scientific name on it and says 100% pure. I did read somewhere in the comment that it usually comes in a dark bottle, could it be that its not pure cold pressed then if its in a clear bottle?
      (ii) I also got tempted to use my regular cleanser in the morning with my clarisonic and then the Jojoba oil after as a moisturiser, but i did wipe it off with a warm towel (did that about 3 times out of 14 days). My skin felt rough/dry around my nose and chin, when i started oil cleansing and I couldnt help it. I haven’t done that in a few days, but could i have irritated my skin?
      (iii) Is it normal to get more of the underskin spots when oil cleansing, perhaps a purging stage and how long does it usually take?
      (iv) Do you reckon I change oils instead and if so, what oil would you recommend for a 22 year old, with oily skin, excessive sebaceous filament around the nose and chin, prone to tiny underskin spots and dryness when products are too harsh.
      (v) How long does it usually take to see results?

      Thank you so much Natasha.

  34. I am in my early twenties and have always had a problem with acne since a year after I started puberty. I have oily, acne prone skin with redness all over. I have tried many other methods to try to reduce my breakouts like clearing my pores, washing my face twice a day, using skin products to control my sebum and using tea tree oil directly on the breakout. Using tee tree oil did help for the first few month but then I noticed it didn’t have the same effect as it did in the beginning. I’ve heard many good reviews about this dermalmd blemish serum and decided to give it a try. Since I don’t have a specific spot where I break out and acne just tends to appear randomly on my face I would use this as a serum and message it into my skin. Overnight I could see swelling had gone down or the smaller pimples would only be a red spot. I don’t see any changes in my acne scars or dark spots but that didn’t bother me. I’m hoping this will continue to give me good results. It does have a slight medicated smell to it for those who are sensitive to scents.

    1. HI BJ,
      Since you are getting breakouts on just one cheek, it could actually be coming from something touching your skin (like your phone, hand, pillowcase, hair, etc.)
      I also recommend checking out this article/video I put together about breakouts on cheeks and it’s connection to diet and digestion (many times clogged pores and pimples on cheeks have nothing to do with skin care products, it’s an internal issue having to do with foods you’re eating and your digestion).
      Here’s the link:

  35. Hi Natasha,

    This sounds like great advice. I was wondering if you’d recommend any of the Body Shop products? Like the vitamin E gentle cleanser or the camomile cleansing oil?


    1. Hi Tilly,
      Thank you for your questions! Unfortunately I’m not a fan of the Body Shop products, especially for acne prone skin. Unfortunately the Body Shop still uses parabens, synthetic fragrances, and other known irritants in their products – all of which can be problematic for acne prone skin. Looking at the ingredient list for their Camomile Cleansing Oil you mentioned, the first ingredient is soy bean oil, which is the cheapest oil on the market (and usually a very unstable and rancid oil). You could be getting a far better product for a lot less money! So, I wouldn’t advice using the Body Shop and instead if you want to try the oil cleansing, best to go to your local health food store and buy a pure jojoba oil or grapeseed oil, which will be a lot safer, better for your skin, and maybe even cheaper!

  36. I am suffering with these kind of bumps for about 3 years. I tried a lot of products (including medicines) but nothing seems to work. I am still not sure if Double Cleansing will be helpful or not. There are hundreds of bumps on my forehead and many acnes on cheeks. Will double cleansing be a good option for acnes too? If not, then what suggestions for the acnes.

    1. The double cleansing can certainly help acne! It’s definitely worth trying 🙂 I also recommend improving your diet, because acne is connected to certain foods you may be eating. Here’s two articles/videos for you to check out:
      Diet improvements for getting rid of bumpy forehead:
      Diet improvements for getting rid of breakouts on cheeks:

    2. Well, all I can say is it seems to work. I do double cleansing (with deep cleansing milk) every night before going to sleep and it seems that the bumps on forehead have reduced. I wanted to ask if cleansing milk is good or should I move to oil based cleansers. I also seem to have a milk-based diet. So should I remove milk products completely from my diet? Another thing is that I am a vegetarian and most of my protiens comes form milk, so will it be a good option?
      Anyway, thanks for the tips, they seem to work effectively

    3. Hi Abhigyan,
      That’s great that you are seeing the bumps clear up! Keep going 🙂
      I would recommend taking a break from eating milk products for a month to see if it helps improve your skin as well. After a month if you see even more improvements, then continue avoiding dairy. If no changes in your skin, after a month, you can bring small amount of dairy back in your diet. For some people, all dairy product can cause skin issues, and for others, it could only be certain types of milk products that causes skin breakouts. I find if you take a long break from dairy to allow your skin to clear up, later on you can add small amounts back in your diet to see which ones cause you the most issues.
      As for using cleansing milk, you can continue with that, or you can experiment with an oil or oil-based cleanser to see if you get even better results. But so far if you’re seeing results, you’re on the right track 🙂

  37. Hey Natasha,
    I have many (not too many)bumps on my forehead. Before two months it was completely fine bit after last December I don’t know what had happened but I’m getting a lot of whiteheads on my forehead. I have a few whiteheads on my cheeks as well. Do you think this double cleaning method would help me get rid of the whiteheads on my cheeks too?

    1. The double cleansing is definitely worth trying I also recommend improving your diet, because the white heads on your cheeks and forehead could be connected to certain foods you may be eating. Here’s two articles/videos for you to check out:
      Diet improvements for getting rid of bumpy forehead:
      Diet improvements for getting rid of breakouts on cheeks:

  38. I noticed these tiny tiny bumps around my whole forehead a few months ago. They don’t look super obvious, but they are there and they are especially visible when my face is more oily or freshly moisturized. I don’t wear makeup every day, but when I do I cleanse with either the neutrogena facial oil or oil-free makeup remover and then I cleanse with cetaphil. I recently got a Clarisonic and it hasn’t helped so far (I still remove my makeup before cleansing if I am wearing it). I follow up with the chemical exfoliant by Clinique and then moisturize. Can I use the Clarisonic to double cleanse? Why should I avoid it, especially if not using it didn’t help before?

    1. Hi Caroline,
      Great question. I don’t recommend using the Clarisonic for double cleansing. Already double cleansing if thoroughly washing your face, and using a Clarisonic could irritate and over-cleanse your skin which will strip it too much of moisture and its natural oils. Over-cleansing the skin or using products or tools that are too abrasive or harsh can do more harm them good, and many times force your sebaceous glands to go into over-drive causing your skin to produce too much oil which can clog and irritate your skin more. The gentler you are with your skin, nourishing and soothing it, the better.

  39. What if my everyday moisturizer has spf 30 in it. Does that count as a sunscreen?
    Also, would it be fine to cleanse the first time with my clarisonic and the second time with just the cleanser?

    1. Hi Shayla,
      You’re everyday moisturizer containing SPF30 for the most the most part should be fine to use as an everyday sunscreen, unless you live in a very hot and strong sun region and spend a lot of time outdoors where you’ll need a stronger or more protective sunblock.
      I wouldn’t use Clarisonic when you are double cleansing, it’s too harsh and over time will dry out your skin.

  40. Hi what are some oil based cleanser other than the ones that are listed above.
    That I could find at the chemist, and that are cheaper enough

    1. Hi Najila,
      My recommendation is to go to a health food store and get an oil there (like jojoba oil, safflower oil, grape seed oil, hemp seed oil, etc.) They’ll have plenty of pure oils to choose from there.

  41. Hi my name is Fatima I’m 17 years of age, I have tiny pumps on my forehead and it’s getting worse day by day, I’ve used the neutrogena soap bar At first it went okay for a couple of days but later it started to irrate my skin so I stopped using it, and now i have bumps on my forehead and the jaw and starting to get acnes on my cheeks. What should I do what cleanser should I use other than the ones listed above, a cleanser that can be found easily.

    1. Hi Natasha,

      Hope you are well? So I tried the oil cleansing method (jojoba oil) and it gave me a lot of underskin spots, extremely tiny like little white dots), and then I tried honey for a while too and it gave me even more spots on my forehead. Tiny spots, so I went back to my old cleanser which has always worked pretty well (just didn’t get rid of the tiny underskin spots on my right cheek), and i woke up with 10 HUGE, painful spots on my forehead. It’s been a week and the swelling has reduced but the tiny bumps and clogged pores on my forehead still remain. This is most I have ever had and I never used to have big spots and this is the first time. The underskin spots only used to appear on my right cheek and occasionally once in a while two or three on the left cheek. But now the side of both chins have lots of underskin spots including my neck as I used the oil on there too. My forehead is completely covered in bumps and my right cheek has these white dots everywhere on there. Is there anything you can suggest to help. I cut out dairy completely for almost a month but had dairy twice or thrice after, cut out coffee and sweets as well. Would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.

    2. Hi BJ,

      Sorry to hear you’re having such problems with your skin. Has anything else changed in your diet or lifestyle over these past few weeks? For the most part, the larger spots/pimples are always connected to hormones and digestion, smaller spots connected more to blood sugar, adrenals, allergies, and sometimes digestion as well.

      Would you say your digestion is overall good, so-so, or weak? I wonder if it’s food sensitivity causing the issue? My recommendation is to increase green vegetables in your diet to reduce the inflammation in your skin, and decrease allergenic foods including flour, soy, eggs, dairy and see if this helps.

      Have you taken antibiotics or strong medication in recent years? If so, perhaps add some fermented foods like sauerkraut or non-dairy kefir in your daily diet to replenish your gut flora.

      Just to let you know, I do offer telephone coaching if you’d like me to have a deeper look at your daily diet and skincare routine to pin point where these issues are coming from (I have you keep a food & skincare journal for a few days before we speak so I can give you more personalized guidelines to follow). For more information on the coaching I offer, you can go to:

      And in the meantime, do try some of these guidelines I’ve listed above.

    3. Hi Natasha,

      I changed my diet specifically for the purpose of oil cleansing. I cut out dairy, coffee and 70% sugar. However, I do agree that it might have something to do with my digestion. After doing some research I found zinc is helpful with acne if you lack it. I failed the zinc test, so just began taking it a day ago. Also L-Lysine and Probiotics, I heard help with acne. Trying not to start all at once. Hopefully if it helps, I’ll be able to try the oil cleansing method again.

      I would definitely try your suggestions and keep a journal as well and let you know how that works. Thank you so much for your help.

    4. Sounds like a great plan BJ. One thing I recommend with the probiotics is actually eating probiotic-rich foods instead of pill supplements (the pills aren’t as bio-absorbable as what is found in food) – so if you can start eating things like sauerkraut, non-dairy kefir, fermented vegetables, kimchi, etc., this can be a good addition to your diet.

    5. I want to thank you in advanced for your time and knowledge.
      So quick back story- in August I believe I was over exfoliating with my Clarisonic brush and some gritty products (st Ives) a few bumps had shown up above my eye brows so I continued to exfoliate every other day w a cleansing balm and/or apricot scrub hoping it would remove bumps/buildup.. I truly feel I wrecked my skin moving forward.. since then my moisture barrier has been impaired and have worked to repair it back to what is almost healthy/normal, however, I was told it could be a fungal acne issue so have been also using anti-dandruff ketokonzole shampoo masks, sulfur masks, ketokonzole 2% ointment and then using a double cleansing method at night w oil cleanser called albolene and (recommended from simple skin care science blog) and then washing the oil off w vanicream face cleanser. Needless to say, my forehead still has bumps all over and I can’t get them to leave completely. Irritation, humidity and sweating and of course harsh ingredients def exacerbated issue.
      I eat pretty clean, consume 2 liter of water a day, take multiple clean vitamins, minerals and probiotics. I also got blood work done and it doesn’t say I have any allergens to gluten, dairy, nuts etc but still have them out of diet.

      Please please please what do I do???

      Thank you 🙂

    6. Hi Jessica,
      I would first simplify your routine. Nothing will work if you are using strong ingredients on your skin or over cleansing. I would simplify your skin care routine to a cleanser, moisturizer and/or sunscreen. Thats it. At night do the double cleansing. Avoid medicated products and avoid synthetic fragrance. Nothing cleansing brushes, no scrubs. Let your skin balance out. I would do this for at least 2 months to restore your skin. The double cleansing will help the bumps, but you have to make sure your skin is healthy and balanced first.

  42. Hello,

    Thank you for this video ! I have noticed a few small bumps on my forehead and not sure on what products that would work for me. I was told to use a different formula number and it is not working. I have very sensitive skin, and combination. Sometimes it is too oily, dry or normal. I do use Mary Kay products which I love but not sure if it is best for my skin.

    I also did some changes in my diet by limiting dairy. Can sugar be a factor in this ? Thank you, Alexandra

    1. Hi Alexandra,
      For combination skin I would recommend finding a super gentle cleanser (even an oil cleanser is fine). The cleanser you use should feel nourishing, so after you wash your face your skin shouldn’t feel tight, dry or squeaky clean, it should actually feel balanced and even moisturized.
      As for diet and tiny bumps on your forehead, yes there’s definitely a connection. And sugar can be causing it or making it worse. Here’s an article/video on what diet changes to make to get rid of those tiny bumps:

  43. You said not to use a clarisonic. is this something i can still use in the mornings? if i’m double cleansing at night?

    1. Hi Celeste,
      I would avoid the clarisonic completely, it’s too harsh and can over-cleanse your skin making your skin over produce oil and sebum. Best to just use your cleanser without the clarisonic.

  44. Hi.. My name is Lucy. I am having un ending outbreak of small pimples on my forehead. I am using tumeric and neem soap from Himalaya and the Johnson aqeous cream on my face. Please help I need to clear these pimples.. I live in the city.

  45. Hi Lucy,

    The soap is probably too harsh and drying (which can make your skin over produce oil that’s clogging your pores and causing those bumps). Best to use a non-soap cleanser (nothing that foams or lathers). The cleanser you use should be very gentle cleanser. If you have oily skin, you can try using honey as a cleanser, or if you have normal, combination or dry skin, try oil cleansing.

    Here are two articles/video to check out:

    Honey Cleansing:

    Oil Cleansing:

  46. Hi Natasha!

    Thank you so much for taking your time to write this and and the video to help us. I’m so grateful for you. 🙂

    I used to have a really clean face, and I have never used any cleanser to wash my face, only water. I’m 26 this year, and in the beginning of this year, I started to have these tiny bumps on my forehead. But my diet remains the same so I’m not sure what happened.

    After I read your post, I really want to try the double cleanse but I don’t dare to take the first step as mentioned I’ve never washed my face.

    I do use moisturizer cream from body shop, the vitamin E one. Other than that, I don’t use make up at all.

    So what kind of cleanser should I use? I’m scared the oil based cleanser will make my face oily, will it? How about the foaming one?

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you so much again!

    1. Hi Jocelyn and others,

      I’ve noticed BJ mention that this oil cleansing really hasn’t worked for her and I thought I should mention that it hasn’t worked for me either. I’ve been a “water only and then moisturise” girl most of my life (now 31) and started having issues with forehead bumps about a year ago (after switching moisturisers). Switching back to my old moisturiser didn’t help and hence why I tried oil cleansing. I followed Natasha’s instructions to the letter (and thanks Natasha for all your help and comments!) with first hemp oil and then grape seed oil for about 2 months and my whilst my forehead did improve a bit, the rest of my face got dramatically worse with small white bumps and even deep red painful spots particularly on my cheeks, jawline and neck. I now have the worst skin I’ve ever had, except possibly as a teenager.

      Natasha’s recommendations seem to work for many many people and it’s super nice of her to reply to all of us and give us her advice, but I don’t think this works for everyone, certainly not for me. In my case I think changing to the oil cleansing method was too big and radical change for my skin, I ended up with a greasy forehead and dry cheeks and just generally totally upset the balance of my skin.

      Good luck to everyone finding a cure for their skin and a bit thanks to Natasha for trying so hard to help us with this!!!

    2. Hi Zeena,
      Thank you for sharing your experience! And yes, oils aren’t for everyone. Just like there isn’t one “cure-all” product (wish there was!). Everyone’s skin is different and that’s why you always have to be open to what’s working for you and not. The most important thing is not to give up, keep trying and experimenting with different things. As you go along this journey you’ll learn more and more what’s compatible with your skin, and what’s not – all of which will help get your skin back in balance. Keep us posted 🙂

    3. Hi Jocelyn,

      I would skip the Body Shop Vitamin E Cream because there’s ingredients in it that could be clogging your pores or irritating your skin, which could be the cause of those tiny bumps. You can first try not using the cream for a few weeks to see if that helps. Later if it doesn’t, you can try double cleansing with an oil, it won’t leave your skin oily! (you apply the oil to your face, but you’re removing it with a damp wash cloth – any type of oil residue with quickly absorb into your skin and moisturize it). You can try using a jojoba oil or grape seed oil, both an non-comedogenic (and will take care of washing and moisturizing your face all at the same time!).

    1. Hi Elaine,
      Unfortunately Cetaphil is too drying for double cleansing. It’s fine to use as a single cleanse, but too much to use twice in a row for double cleansing.

  47. i’ve been double cleansing for about a month now and im still getting tiny bump on my forehead, although their shrinking their still there do you have any diy remedies? pls help

  48. Hi,
    I have small bumps on my forehead and my cheeks.they are not that visible unless i am in the light or my face is oily.I don’t use any facial wash products on my face, just use water, as I tried them in the past and my skin got really irritated.I have sensitive skin. I get a few big pimples on occasions mostly on my cheek or my chin.I have noticed that after having a dairy product same with carbonated drink product, I tend to get a little bloated and I reduced my intake which made my breakouts less but I have still got the small bumps on my face.I am 16 yrs old, I can’t change my diet completely as my mom thinks I am skinny, have you got any advice?

    1. Hi Lucy,
      I would try to completely avoid all milk/dairy products because even just a little bit could cause the bumps on your forehead. Also, since it makes you gassy, you probably have an allergy or sensitivity to it, and that’s why you’re getting the breakouts on your skin. If you take dairy products out of your diet, it’s important to increase green vegetables in your daily diet to ensure your still getting good amount of minerals and calcium (also the vegetables will help your skin).
      Also, avoiding sugar and processed food is very important too. So best to concentrate on eating as much healthy food as possible, and stay away from any junk food and sweet snacks.

  49. Hi Natasha, is this suitable for sensitive combination skin? I use a moisturising bar soap at night for cleansing followed by a toner. I have lots of forehead bumps. What do you recommend?

    1. Hi Anne,
      I definitely recommend doing the double cleansing with an oil or oil-based cleanser, even for sensitive skin it’s good. Just make sure you don’t use a soap cleanser for the double cleansing (I wouldn’t even use soap as a regular cleanser, it’s just too drying). Also skip the toner until your skin clears up. The less products you are using, the better!

  50. Hi Natasha,
    I’ve been battling with acne since I’ve been 11. I am now 23 years old and I decided to try a more natural approach to have better skin. My skin is extremely oily and I have a Bumpy forehead, large pores, my skin has a rough texture, especially on my cheeks. Which oil do you recommend? And should I use toner after the double cleanse? As of now I’m using witch hazel. Thank you so much!!

    1. The best place to store oils is in a cool dark place (optimally your bedroom). But if you do store it in your bathroom, just make sure it’s not near any direct sunlight.

  51. Hello! My little bumps show up on my chin area up to the sides of my face (kind of like where a mans beard would grow) I was wondering if the cleanser i’m using is ok! it’s called “Perfect Cleansing Oil” by Shiseido. I have a vigorous skin care routine that consists of cleansing, toning, (sometimes expholiating), serums, oils and moisturizer, and have had really dry skin (due to eczema) prior to doing these steps. currently, my skin has remained hydrated, but the bumps remain! I will try double cleansing but i’m also interested in using honey. What type of honey is the best for this purpose? Also would you be able to recommend anything for lip hydration? Thank you so much for your time and helpful advice!

    1. Hi Kim,

      Great questions!

      The Shiseido cleanser could be problematic, maybe when you finish it, you can try something else. For dry skin, I recommend Tata Harper Nourishing Oil Cleanser.

      Also, where you’re getting the breakouts, I wonder if it’s something touching your face that’s causing it like your phone or resting your head on your hands. Switching your laundry detergent to a free & clear eco detergent can make a difference (cause sometimes even the detergent used on your pillow cases can cause breakouts on the cheeks and chin).

      You can try honey cleansing as well. Any raw honey that is smooth is fine to use, Manuka honey is a good one! Here’s a link to a article/video demo showing how to wash your face with honey:

      If you use honey for double cleansing, only use it for the second cleanse (use an oil or oil-based cleanser for the first cleanse).

      Hope this helps!

  52. Hi!
    I have tiny bumps on my forehead. But mostly on my left side and sometimes IT gets painful but you can’t see IT. It’s like a small pimple underneath the skin. And i can’t do anything whit it.If i try to squeeze it just became red and inflamed and it lefts a mark.Moreover, nothing even comes out. I don’t know why, and only ice work Because IT calms Down the area. Moreover,no acne treatment works..
    I have try double cleans and it doesn’t work. I don’t Like jojoba oil and i don’t know which cleanser shoud I use. And oil method dryed out my skin. So I bought Cetaphil and i remove my make with glove for makeup and water and than with cleanser(la roche posay effaclar gel). After that I use toner and than oil( hazelnut) and moisturizer la roche posay. Maybe that cloges my pores
    But it is weird Because it is only on my left side. And in the evening before I remove makeup my skin looks oily but also dry and patchy! Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Niki,
      Sometimes when breakouts are only on one side of the face it could be coming from something touching your skin like your phone, pillow case, hands, etc. Try switching your detergent to a fragrance-free eco detergent for your pillow cases and linens, and clean your phone regularly or speak on it with hands-free.
      I also recommend looking into your diet for what could be causing the bumps. Check out this article/video that outlines the things in your diet that could be causing it:

  53. Hi. Great, informative website. Just discovered it and really appreciate the insight.

    I’m considering double cleansing at night to help to clear up tiny bumps along my forehead. But I’m wondering: Should I also wash my face in the morning or just double cleanse at night? FYI: I’m a male, so I do not wear any make-up, nor do I wear sunscreen.

    I also liked your article about honey washing. I do not have any acne, just the tiny bumps on the forehead. So should I, perhaps, just honey wash twice a day (morning and night) and forego the double cleansing at night?

    Thank you very much in advance.

    1. Hi Bob,
      You can go ahead and try either the honey or double oil cleansing, both will gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin which can help with the tiny bumps on your forehead.
      You can try honey cleansing first, and if you like it and your skin is responding well, continue. If your skin feels dry doing the honey cleansing, switch to oil cleansing. Just make sure if you do double cleansing, do it with the oil and not honey. Also if your skin isn’t oily in the morning, you can skip morning cleanse.
      Here’s also an article/video on what in your diet could also be causing the bumps on forehead, so do check that out too:

  54. hlo mam,
    i have lot of tiny bumps on my face from last 2 months,am not use anything on my skin like makeup etc. since 3-4 years.kindly suggest me can i use double cleanse? my skin is oily.

  55. Hi Natasha,
    Sorry for all the questions. I just moved a week ago and my skin is absolutely freaking out. I think it’s because of the hard water here. I bought filters for the sink and the shower but it’s not helping 🙁 do you recommend me buying distilled water from the store and using it for my face? And if so how should I heat it up for my face? I know it’s definitely the water because every time I wash my face it burns. Thank you!

    1. Hi Heather,
      Sorry to hear about your water situation. Water filters you attach to the sink or shower won’t make the water soft (it will take the chlorine, chemicals, and bacteria out, but only a home water filtration system will make hard water soft). You can certainly try the distilled water and warm it up a bit or just leave it out so it’s at room temperature. That can definitely help. Also, moving is very stressful, which can affect your skin too, so hopefully once you’re more settled in, your skin will balance out.

  56. Hi,
    About a week ago I began to get small bumps on my forehead so I’m glad I found this post as other sites were mentioning fungal infections? (WTH)
    Anyhow, I wanted to cross this by you to see if this would suffice? Since I don’t have any milk cleansers I was thinking of using my Drunk Elephant JuJu Bar first, which has thermal mud, bamboo and super fruit. Then for the double cleanse I was thinking of using EVOO?
    I’m not quite sure how I have these if I wash twice a day, apply acne medication and do a bentonite mask at least 1x a week.

    Thank again for your help!

    1. Hi Eli,
      Be careful with the JuJu Bar, because it can be quite drying. I wouldn’t use it for double cleansing. You can use it in your morning cleanse on it’s own if you like. For double cleansing, how about using grape seed oil instead of EVOO. Many times EVOO isn’t compatible with acne prone skin, and grapeseed oil is a much better alternative. You can get grape seed oil at a health food store or grocery store, just make sure it 100% pure, cold pressed, preferably organic.

    1. Hi Alex,
      Oily skin can actually come from having dehydrated skin (your body over produces oil to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin). For many people, using products with oil helps to balance out oily skin, especially if the oil is high in lineolic acid (studies have shown people with acne prone skin are lacking lineolic acid, so if you use oils like grapeseed oil, it could help prevent breakouts).

    1. I really like the skincare brand Oskia from London. If you’re looking for a simple oil for double cleansing you can always use grapeseed oil or jojoba oil (you can buy that at any health food store).

    1. Hi Taylor,

      I would say no to that. Double cleansing is usually good with carrier oils like jojoba rather than concentrated essential oils.


    1. I don’t recommend using the Neutrogena oil, it’s made with mineral oil, alcohol, and has fragrance – all of which isn’t good for your skin and could make breakouts worse. Better to use a plain grapeseed oil or jojoba oil. You can get that at a health food store.

  57. I am in the exact same boat as many. Unfortunately I’m suffering from the tiny bumps and they cover my forehead, lower jawline and chin. I don’t wear makeup as far as on my face, but I do wear eyeshadows. I use sunscreen sometimes , I’m black and every sunscreen I’ve tried sucks! I’ve eat organic with very little ” natural” anything for 13 years. Best my skin looked was when I went vegan , but that only lasted six months both times. I’ve eliminated dairy 14 years ago, I have a sweet tooth that has been horrible. I switched to natural sweeteners such as the stuff you mentioned :(. I then tried just sweetened fruits and think that did harm too. So now I rarely eat sweet anything and it’s miserable. But I care about my skin more. I’m also 39 and don’t look it at all, so I’m trying to save my youthful appearance. I’ve had these bumps now for maybe two weeks and I’m so tired of them. It’s very frustrating not knowing what I’m doing wrong. Is stevia bad it’s plant based but a sweetener? I also eat a green apple once a day maybe. I need to look up low glycemic fruit. I just need help. I did oil cleaning and it didn’t help so double cleaning with oil based cleaners don’t sound too appealing for my skin. I was using a lot of products with glycolics so I stopped them. Also I had started vitamin c serums but didn’t think that was considered bad. Any advice you can give is appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Reshonda,
      Sorry to hear about your frustration with those tiny bumps, I know how annoying they are. Have you seen my other blog post on diet suggestion for the tiny bumps? If not, here’s the link –>
      If you’re drinking coffee at all, that could be one thing causing it.
      And yes, sugar is a bad one. Green apples and low glycemic fruit like pears, apples, and berries are fine to eat.
      As for the double cleansing, you could try using an oil for the first cleanse (I recommend grape seed for acne prone skin), and then use your regular cleanser for the second cleanse (as long as it’s not soap, it should be fine if you only use it once). This way the oil can breakup the build up on your skin, and the second cleanse can thoroughly clean your skin and remove any residue left behind from the oil if you don’t like it. This could be a solution. Just make sure the second cleanser isn’t foaming, soapy, or medicated – it really should be a gentle cleanser.

  58. Hiya I really want to try this but I’m from the uk and I was just wondering if you knew of any good and affordable cleansers that would be good that are available in the U.K. (Below £20 or $20) thanks!

    1. Thanks do you know if simple kind to skin oil cleanser or Clinique take the day off cleanser would be good.

  59. Do you know if Clinique take the day off oil cleanser or simple kind to skin oil cleanser would be good. If not are there any you know that aren’t natural oils. Thanks

  60. Hiya I’ve had forehead bumps for a while now and I use loreal face wash in the evening after taking off my makeup with Liz earl hot cloth cleanser. I was wondering if you knew an oil cleanser I could get in the U.K from a store. I don’t react well to some essential oils due to sensitive skin so I’m not sure what I could try. I used to use a la Roche posay face wash so do you think the la Roche posay cleansing oil would be ok or the burts bees one. Thanks

    1. Hi Becca,
      I recommend using grapeseed oil. You can get it at any health food store. It doesn’t have essential oils or any other ingredient that could irritate your skin. You can use it for double cleansing.

  61. I am an 12 year old girl and the bumps on my fore head are ridiculous and on my neck. Most people say its just me going through puberty but I honestly don’t think that’s the case for me. these bumps literally drive me crazy and I cant stand them. I started using organic black soap about a month ago and I’d leave it on for 20 minutes and moisturize with my vitamin c skin oil and to be honest it works but then I get break outs some more.

    1. Hi Zoe,

      I’d be careful using the soap and leaving it on your face, over the longterm that can severely irritate and dry out your skin. Have you ever tried washing your face with honey, this could help! Here’s an article video how to do it:

      Also, do you best to avoid sugar and dairy products and be sure to increase the green vegetables in your diet. This can help the most.

  62. Hi Natasha,

    My daughter is 14 years old. She got those tiny colorless bumps on her forehead. Her forehead is really oily. She got that oily T-zone. I was wondering, will using oil based cleaner to clean the oily skin help? Because the skin itself is oily. Is it not going to make the skin more oily? Cleansing can help keeping the skin clean but is it going to take out the stuff inside those bumps? Other than the T-zone her face is fine. And as you said, cutting down dairy products will also help. But as she is only 14, she needs milk for her growth. I read somewhere online that those clogged pores need to be extracted by an esthetician to remove the things inside those clogged pores. Please advise.

    Thank you so much.

    1. Omg milk is not needed for anything! I don’t mean to sound like I’m being rude because that’s def not my intentions at all. I am just tired of the whole ” Milk does a body good” misconception. If anything, milk is an acne trigger and was produced by the cow for HER young, not ours. I pray that you find the solution. I’m 39 years young and it’s become a struggle for me and I just went Vegan again. I didn’t consume dairy, red meat or pork for years. It’s more hormonal for me. I’m glad it’s not severe, but it’s still a self esteem killer. Prayers to you both.

    2. Hi Samia,

      For oily skin, your daughter can try cleansing her skin with a smooth honey. Here’s a video and instructions how:

      She can also try oil cleansing with grapeseed oil. It won’t make her skin oilier (oil removes oil).

      I don’t recommend extractions by an esthetician, that can potentially scar and mark your daughter’s skin.

      You’re daughter is 14, so her oily skin and breakouts is part of puberty. The best thing is making sure she eats a healthy diet avoiding sugar, dairy, and processed food. To ensure she gets calcium, best to increase the green vegetables, nuts and seeds in her diet. Making soups with homemade bone broths are also incredibly nutritious and full of bone building calcium and minerals, and great for her skin.

    1. Hi, I wouldn’t use anything acidic like vinegar as a cleanser. You could dilute it with water and use as a toner but not a cleanser as that could be drying or irritating. I personally didn’t like coconut oil and when I searched oils that weren’t pore clogging , the ones I saw were best seemed to be either jojoba ( it’s like our own skin’s sebum) and grape seed oil. I personally like grape seed! But I now use a cleanser with my Clairisonic that came out at Target that’s all natural and has kale and peppermint in it and so far I love it!! Hope this helps some 🙂

    2. Hi Moriah,
      I agree with ReShonda, don’t use coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. A lot of people get breakouts from coconut oil (myself included), and vinegar is too harsh. I too recommend using either jojoba oil or grapeseed oil, both are very compatible with acne prone skin.

  63. Hi Natasha. I was wondering if this cleanser I’m using is good for double cleansing. It’s the moisture and cleansing cleanser by Simple. It’s for sensitive for skin but I wouldn’t say my skin is sensitive. I know in your video you say that the cleanser should be as cleansing as it is moisturizing. And also is it okay to apply any another products like moisturizer or toner after double cleansing.

    1. Hi Kyree,

      I just checked the ingredients and sodium lauryl sulfate is the second ingredient in the cleanser, which would make it too harsh for double cleansing. I recommend double cleansing with an oil like grapeseed or jojoba oil (oil cleansing can be great for acne prone skin and it won’t make your skin oily!). Click here for demo and instructions for oil cleansing.

      As for using a toner and moisturizer, if you’ve got breakouts I wouldn’t use a toner (too many products and ingredients will just make breakouts worse). And if you need to moisturize, yes you can use a moisturizer or a few drops of oil. If you use a moisturizer, do look at the ingredients and make sure not to use anything with mineral oil.

  64. Hi natasha, do you have any recommendation on cleasing in the morning? Since double cleansing is only at night. I also live in a really hot and humid country so i really need sunscreen, do you have any suggestion on natural sunscreen? Thank you!

  65. Hi natasha 🙂 I use sunscreen everyday so, do I need to use oil cleansers everyday? because I only use my oil cleanser every sunday when I do makeup, use sunscreen and go out. I have small bumps on my forehead too so I’m really curious if I have to use oil cleanser everyday.

    1. Hi Gwen,

      Yes, I would double cleanse with oil cleanser everyday to remove the sunscreen. Like foundation, sunscreen isn’t easy to remove, so double cleansing with oil is the best!

  66. Hi Natasha! So I have had trouble with my skin for at least 4 years now. I am seventeen and I have fixed the problem with the crazy bad acne but now I have a problem with congested skin. I use a genial honey collection cleanser twice every night and a light moisturiser but the problem doesn’t ever change. I eat really healthy, exercise, change pillow cases regularly, but I just can’t work out what I am doing wrong!

    1. Hi Celene,
      Do you wear any makeup? Sometimes that could be what is causing the congestion.

      Also, if you no longer have acne or breakouts, I recommend exfoliating your skin at least once a week – this can definitely help. One exfoliant I REALLY love for decongesting skin (but not when you have active pimples, is Drunk Elephant – TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum. This can really make a difference in smoothing out your skin and keeping pores clear. When just starting to use it, I recommend just using it once or twice a week at night, and slowly working your way up to using it every other night.

  67. Hi there! I switched to using an oil based cleanser a few months ago, but I never used it properly so i didn’t get the best results. I now know how to use it, thanks to your video. I was wondering if you could take a look at the one I am using and just confirm that it is ok to use, please? Its made locally by a woman who owns a store called Planet Botanix here in Ottawa, Canada.
    Thank you!!

    1. Hi Karoline,
      The product looks fine, the only thing I am concerned with is the tea tree essential oil. If there’s very little tea tree oil in it, it should be ok to cleanse with, but if there’s too much, it could irritate your skin. You can try it out, and if you notice any redness after cleansing, than best to discontinue using it.

      It’s always hard to tell if a product would be compatible and gentle on your skin just by looking at the ingredients, sometimes you just got to try it and keep an eye on your skin to see how it responds.

  68. I use coconut oil every day and vitamin E oil every few days on my skin and my skin benefits greatly from it. I believe I have rosacea and if I don’t use at least one of these my rosacea symptoms worsen and my skin gets really dry. So I can’t stop using these. But lately I’ve noticed these bumps on my forehead. Idk what to do. I’m not sure if the bumps are from the oils I’m using. I don’t wear makeup or sunscreen or anything. What’s your advice? I usually put coconut oil on after I shower, which is usually later in the day. Also, I use Cetaphil to cleanse my face. Is that okay?

  69. I have always had few to no problems with my skin until around a year ago when i went on holiday- it was either the flight or the hot temperature that caused bumps to appear on my forehead. So, during the past 6 months i tried all sorts of different skin care routines and nothing seems to help- they just won’t go away. I have tried many different cleansers, serums etc etc. However, I have dry skin and I am on a student budget! Have you got any recommendations for products on a cheaper scale or even any ideas as to what might be causing the pesky bumps?

  70. Hi Natasha,
    I was wondering if I could use EVOO for the first round of double cleansing? I have combination skin.

    1. Hi Ellie,
      You can definitely try the EVOO for double cleansing, especially if your combination skin is more on the dry side. If your combination skin is more on the oily side, I would use grapeseed oil or jojoba oil instead.

  71. Hi natasha, i use foundation everyday and i double cleanse my face after i got back home from class usually during the evening so can i still double cleanse my face during at night? Before im going to bed?

    1. Hi Nurul,
      Only double cleanse once at night. Better to do it as soon a you get home to remove makeup. No need to double cleanse again because it will dry out your skin and make breakouts worse.

  72. Hi!

    I with in the last year have had a intense amount of skin issues mostly the bumps as described mainly on my forehead and neck but on ocassion when it is amplified I get it all over my face. I am excited to try this double cleanse ! However is there anything I can buy from a store instead of ordering online and waiting to receive it ? I always struggle with what cleansers are actually good to use ! My skin in dry ! Thanks

    1. Hi Bethany,
      If you’re getting bumps all over your face, I have a feeling you have a sensitivity or allergy to something you are putting on your skin like makeup, face product, sunscreen, makeup brushes, or even the detergent you are washing you pillow cases with. Did you start using a new foundation or skincare product around the time you started getting bumps all over your skin?

  73. So I just came across your blog and am very excited to try this method. I have a question though. After working out or just even coming home from work I use aveeno foaming cleanser to clean my face of sweat. I saw your instructions said not to use a foaming cleanser for double cleansing but what about during the day? I’ve really like the results of my skin when I use aveeno to wash my face. I’ve had way fewer breakouts (my skin is also very dependent on my cycle) but I want to try double cleanings to get rid of the bumps on my forehead and temples. Just wondering if I should stop using aveeno all together? Also after I double cleanse and my face is dry do I then apply any moisturizer?

    1. Hi Grace,
      I wouldn’t double cleanse with the Aveeno. So, if you want to continue using it, use it in the morning as your morning cleanser, and then in the evening use an oil for double cleansing. I personally don’t recommend using foaming cleansers because they can overly dry out or strip your skin causing your skin to become irritated and over produce oil, which can result in clogged pores and raised bumpy texture. But of course, it’s up to you, you know your skin best. You can always do an experiment where you take a break from the Aveeno for 1 month and see how your skin responds, if it gets better, then stay away from it, or if you notice no improvement, bring it back in to your skincare routine. Doesn’t hurt to try (and it’s only 1 month, not forever!).
      And yes, if your skin is dry or tight after double cleansing, you can moisturize your skin.

  74. I am 74 yr old american been living in philippines 17 yrs riding a motor bike every day and not using skin protection much and now see red bumps on my forehead. also on my arms. Is it ok to do double cleansing at nite with extra virgin oil? is that all I should use>?
    thank u for your time
    jim borgan

    1. Hi Jim,
      Yes you can try double cleansing with olive oil. You can pretty much use any type of oil except coconut oil (it can cause breakouts). I also recommend avoiding all dairy/milk products in your diet, that will help with the bumpy texture on your forehead and arms.

  75. Hi so I’m only 14 and I have had these bumps for about a year now and I only were make up on the weekends as my school dose not allow us to were make up, I’ve used loads of different cleansers and nothing works and I don’t know if this is a stupid question or not but I sometimes use coconut oil to remove my make up, so could I countinue to use this and then use the same milky cleaners twice to double cleanse ?

    1. Hi Carly,
      You might be getting the bumps from the coconut oil (I get those bumps from coconut oil). I recommend trying a different oil like grapeseed oil or jojoba. As for double cleansing, you can use the oil for the first cleanse, and then the milky cleanser for the second cleanse. If the milky cleanser is creamy and moisturizing, you can use it twice in a row for the double cleansing instead of using an oil if you prefer.

  76. Hi so I’m only 14 and I have had these bumps for about a year now and I only were make up on the weekends as my school dose not allow us to were make up, I’ve used loads of different cleansers and nothing works and I don’t know if this is a stupid question or not but I sometimes use coconut oil to remove my make up, so could I countinue to use this and then use the same

    1. Hi Carly! From everything I’ve learned and read, coconut oil is pore clogging :(. I know that everyone’s skin reacts differently to different things and what may work for one may not for another , but I have found that hempseed oil and Argan are pretty good oils. It could just be something in your regular cleanser causing the bumps? Learn to label read ( that will help a lot!) and learn your ingredients as much as you can. I hope you find relief soon, I’ve been there before and still go through skin issues at times and I’m 40!

  77. Hi natasha! Im really excited that i have found this webiste. I have a question for you, can I double cleansing with two different products? For example, for the first step I would like to use my skincare product and for the second step I will use an oil based cleanser like you said. And one more thing, im not sure if my product is okay for double cleansing. The texture is like a cream and some bubble like a soap bubble will appear when I applying it to my face. Thank u!

    1. Hi Syafira,
      Great question! Yes, you can use two different cleansers for double cleansing, but, I would do the reverse of what you asked! For the first cleanse, use an oil or oil-based cleanser, and for the second cleanse use your regular cleanser. The reason why is because oils tend to remove product and make up a lot better than gel or foaming cleansers, plus the oil or oil-based cleanser won’t strip your skin and will protect it from getting overly dry from the second cleanser. As for your foaming cleanser, normally I don’t recommend foaming cleansers because they can dry out your skin, especially if it’s got SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). How about looking at the ingredients of the cleanser, and if you see the sodium lauryl sulfate and/or alcohol – don’t use it.

  78. Hey!

    Thanks so much for this advice – I’m desperate to get rid of my weird forehead bumps! Quick question though, when you say cleanser, do you mean the type of stuff that you use to take your make-up off, or is cleanser what you call face wash (I’m in the UK so not sure if there’s a difference!)?

    Just asking as you say ‘wash your face twice’ but I’d use cleanser to remove make-up, then wash my face with face wash, then use a toner & moisturiser…so which bit do I repeat twice in the evenings? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Kate,

      Great question! When I refer to a cleanser, I’m referring to both what you use to remove your foundation/makeup and sunscreen, and what you use to wash your face.

      So for the steps with double cleansing, this is what you would do:

      1- Remove any deeply pigmented makeup on your eyes and lips (like red lipstick, mascara, eyeshadow, etc).
      2- 1st cleanse: use an oil-based cleanser to wash your face of foundation, makeup, sunscreen, and other impurities
      3- 2nd cleanse: use the same oil-based cleanser or another gentle non-foaming/non-soapy cleanser to wash your face a second time.

      I find what works the best for getting rid of bumpy forehead is oil cleansing twice for both the 1st and 2nd cleanse.

      Hope this helps!

  79. I wash my face daily with La Roche Posays gel cleanser and use witch hazel as toner and occasionally rose water spray. Then I moisturize with an oil free spf 15 moisturizer. I still have the tiny bumps I haven’t tried the double cleanse yet. But wondering if the moisturizer is what is clogging my pores? I don’t wear makeup everyday only on occasion. So is it the moisturizer or something completely different?

    1. Hi Amanda,

      It could be the moisturizer, or it could even be the cleanser and witch hazel that’s causing the tiny bumps. Sometimes using a gel cleanser and witch hazel is just too stripping for your skin, so your body produces more oil to compensate, which unfortunately can cause those tiny raised bumps. I recommend taking a break from the skincare products you are currently using, and just double cleanse with grapeseed oil at night, and single cleanse with grapeseed oil in the morning. If you need to moisturize (which you might not), you can moisturize your skin with 1 or 2 drops of grapeseed oil. Do this experiment for a month and see if it helps!

      Here’s a blog post and video demo on how to use oil to wash your face:

  80. Hi Natasha, i have two questions, is the process for double cleansing the same for dry skin? And would a cold cream cleanser work as the second cleanse.

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      Yes the guidelines are the same for dry skin. If you have dry skin that is prone to breakouts or tiny raised bumps, I wouldn’t use the cold cream cleanser, and instead just double cleanse with an oil (sometimes the emulsifiers and waxes in cold creams can cause breakouts and skin congestion – pure oils are a lot safer option).

  81. I am almost 17 and have been struggling with these little bumps for a few years now. I have tried everything it feels like. I used Rodan and Fields Unblemish system for about a month and it made my skin awful. I tried double cleansing a while back and had no luck. I was using a cleansing oil with pure grapeseed oil as the base, then followed by washing my face with the CeraVe foaming cleanser. I really want to try the Living Libations cleanser, but it is a little pricey. Is it worth it for only an ounce or 1.7 ounces? I don’t wear any makeup besides mascara and occasionally eyeshadow. Thanks.

    1. What helps me was washing with Manuka Honey because it is antibacterial and anti inflammatory. It is pricey, but it is ( in my opinion) a great honey to use! You also want to make sure it is pure. I splash my face with very warm water then i take about a teaspoon of the honey and massage it into my face like you do a face wash. After that i let it sit a few minutes then i rinse it off and let my face air dry. While it is still slightly damp, i apply Pai Rosehip oil. That with diet change (vegan or plant based) and green juices really do help a ton. I ordered Living Libations Dew Dab, but unless i am doing it wrong, i did not see any difference. The best results i have had are from going simple. Hope this helps you some 🙂

    2. Hi Abby,
      How about trying double cleansing with just the grapeseed oil, and not the foaming cleanser (just wash your face twice in row with the oil). I really love the Living Libations Best Skin Ever, but you can certainly use a plain oil.
      I also recommend making some improvements with your diet, which can help the most. Here’s a blog post on what diet improvements to make to clear up the bumps on your forehead:

  82. I started to get tiny bumps all over my forehead last summer and since then they have not disappeared. I don’t wear any face makeup – but at the time I was using a Nivea creme moisturiser, sunscreen and was in a hot climate – so I think I know why I got it from reading your article. I have been using this simple triple action face spotless skin face wash and an oil free moisturiser (by clean and clear) and my spots went down quite a lot, but recently they have flared up again- I have been using tea tree oil on them. Can you suggest me an affordable product I could use on my teenage skin that would help them go away but not break me out with red spots elsewhere (it has before) ? I’m really self conscious about them and would really appreciate some help! Xx

    1. Hi Erica,
      I would recommend working on your diet (reducing sugar, minimizing dairy products, and eating more vegetables). The breakouts are coming from hormones, and improving your diet can help the most.
      You can also try washing your face with smooth honey (buy it at a health food store), this won’t strip or irritate your skin and allow it to heal. Here’s a video showing how to use honey to wash your face:

  83. HI Natasha,

    I don’t really wear any makeup at all, ever. Maybe some powdered cover up here and there for special occasions otherwise nothing. Could this still help me? And if so, what produce would you most recommend?

    Thank you!

  84. Hi Natasha,I tried your double cleansing method and for few days it looked like as if it worked but again its the same thing 🙁 .. My forehead looks really rough and I am not sure what to do about it.

    1. II have had that same problem and it is hard but i had to tell myself to “Don’t Touch!” and think of what it would look like if i did. I know that doesn’t help much, but something i started doing that did hel[ is that i started washing my face with Manuka Honey. Just rinse face with warm water and massage a teaspoon (eyeball it) and massage into my face and then rinse and allow to air dry. This has dramatically helped my skin to smooth out. My forehead is no longer bumpy although i do have maybe four stubborn spots on my cheek. Turns out that i was overthinking it and also doing too much so i decided to take the simple approach and the “less is more” really works. It is getting better. I wish you the best of luck!!!

  85. Hi, sometimes ill get random little clusters of small skin colored bumps that look like they have a little hole in the middle, how do i get rid of them because if i touch them they will go from being minuscule to inflamed red and turn into an actual pimple?

    1. It sounds like clogged pores. Don’t touch them, cause as you know, that only makes it worse. I recommend using a serum containing exfoliating acids. I like Drunk Elephant – TLC Framboos Glycolic Night Serum. The gylcolic acid in the serum will gently exfoliate the build up on the surface of the skin while the salicylic acid breakups up the buildup in the congested pores. It’s a nice product and can really help unclog pores and makes your skin soft and smooth.

  86. Hi,

    I went on holiday to Greece last September (2017) and stupidly used tanning oil on my face! Which I massively regret now. Ever since, my forehead has been suffering with spots under the skin, which I cant seem to get rid of. Must be from being clogged up. Im going to try double cleansing using an oil based cleanser. Although I have oily skin (mainly on the forehead area) and im worried that it would make it worse? What do you think? Is there any another cleansers that are not oil based that you would recommend?

    I have been told to try Dermaplaning or Microdermbrasion but this is so expensive so want to try other options first.

    Thanks 🙂

  87. Hi, I’m 13 and a girl. I don’t wear make up often at all and when I do it’s just highlight and contour. I only use mascara and eyebrow pencil regularly. I have that texture on my forehead and am starting to get it around my jawline. Sometimes I use face cream (Newton’s labs : t- zone skincare cleansing cream wash) and I wipe my face daily with Nivea cleansing wipes. I really want to get rid of all my bumps before I start wearing a full face of makeup and I don’t know if I should do it daily or whenever because you mentioned that you shouldn’t do it unless you have been wearing makeup or sunscreen or whatever. I live in Britain and we don’t get many warm sunny days but when it is it’s really hot, I dint wear sunscreen as I’m mixed race and have sort of olive skin. Please reply ASAP I’m desperate and if you need anymore information about my skin or something I’ll do whatever it take. Thankyou,
    from Cheyenne xx

    1. Hi Cheyenne,
      The bumps could be coming from hormones and puberty. I would recommend having less sugar in your diet, and more vegetables – this can help a lot to balance your hormones and get clear skin.
      Also, most wipes (like the Nivea ones you are using) are not very good for your skin, they have alcohol and heavy fragrances which can dry out your skin and irritate it, and even cause those bumps. Try stopping the wipes and see if that helps.

    1. As long as it is a moisturizing facial cleanser (oil-based oil or balm), yes, but if it’s foaming, lathering, or soap-like cleanser, I wouldn’t use it for double cleansing. Best to check the ingredients and make sure there’s no sodium lauryl sulfate in the cleanser before using it.

  88. Hello! I have always had really good skin, I hardly ever break out and I don’t get acne. I just started getting these annoying bumps a couple years ago, and I have combination-sensitive skin. I’m just wondering which oil you would recommend I double cleanse with? Thank you in advance!!

  89. I purchased the Living Libations – Best Skin Ever oil cleanser and I was wondering if this is good to use for double cleansing if my skin is very prone to milia?? If not which gentle cleanser would be best?

    Thank you!

    1. Milia is a tough one because there are a number of ingredients that can cause/contribute to it. Ingredients that stand out the most to me are oils, silicones, lanolin, and sometimes waxes or butters. You might have a reaction to one or all these ingredients, so whenever you use a new product, keep an eye on your skin to see how it responds (only introduce one new product into your skincare routine at a time). You can definitely try out the Best Skin Ever and see how your skin responds. Usually the oils that cause the worst problems are mineral oils (which isn’t in the Best Skin Ever), but some people can’t tolerate any oil. So just watch your skin. Let me know how it works out.

  90. Hey there Natasha, I never had any skin issue but it was all started last year I was living a super stressful life I started to get acne and what worst was I was introduced to some pharmacy products that make my skin became overly sensitive and congested with many small pimples but thank god I stopped using it for about a week and now I only used organic cleansing milk by Melvita in the morning and night. It is a super gentle but as you said cleansing milk might leave residue in my pores and probably that’s why I am having those tiny bumps and pimples. So I am thinking of buying the soap free sensitive sukin gel cleanser to wash my face in the morning and as a second cleanser at night after my cleansing milk. What do you think of that? Is it okay ?

  91. Hello Natasha,
    I used to have perfect perfect skin, many girls in my class were jealous of me. But in 2016 everything went wrong, it could be for multiple reasons and I tried so many scrubs and oil-free moisturizers, just because i hate the oily feeling on my skin and…nothing worked. Recently, I found your webpage and I have to say a big massive THANK YOU. I have never tried this before, I did not have very high hopes but this saved my life. My skin is almost completely clear (I started doing this only a few days ago) as it used to be, my lost confidence is growing again and I am just so pleased with the results already. Bless you, you are doing amazing job :*

  92. Hi Natasha!
    I’m a 15-year-old girl, have oily skin, and doesn’t use makeup that much unless needed for formal events. I have oily skin and I’m currently using the Cetaphil Gentle Face Cleanser. I have these tiny bumps on my forehead and I’m wondering if Human Nature’s Jojoba Oil would be effective? Or could you recommend other brands of jojoba oil?

    1. Hi Bambi,
      Yes, I would try the oil instead of the Cetaphil. I know that Cetaphil is formulated to be a gentler cleanser, but it can still be too drying/irritating which could cause the raised bumps. As long as the oil is pure jojoba oil and no other ingredients mixed in, it should be fine.

  93. Hi Natasha,

    I used to have pretty great skin just by using Cerave hydrating cleanser and an oil free sensitive skin moisturizer. I recently went off the pill in September and by January, my skin was a disaster. I have tried everything, light therapy, medicated washes, etc. I also have extremely sensitive and rosacea prone skin, I used a medicated sulfur wash which seemed to help the forehead bumps initially but then the company stopped making that product and I use another medicated sulfur wash (just at night, Cerave in the morning). I also stopped spironalctone and my bumps on my forehead came back. Since January, I have avoided almost all dairy, sugar, and complex carbs (still eating things like brown rice, whole grains, sweet potatoes etc.) I also do eat nut butters (almond) and mustards. I am afraid to use oil as my skin is already really oily and im afraid of breaking out more.

    What do you recommend? I am desperate…


    1. Hi Lex,
      It does take time to get your skin balanced, so best to continue working on your diet and whatever skincare routine you choose, stick with it (sometimes when we keep switching things up and trying new things, it just stresses your skin and makes it worse). Make sure to be avoiding coffee and all caffeinated drinks and food items (including chocolate), and increasing your daily intake of green vegetables (you should be aiming to have green vegetables at every meal), and be mindful not be eating too many grains and carbs. This will all help 🙂
      Keep going!

  94. Hello Natasha. I have been going through with bumpy forehead over an year. I would love to double celansing started tonight. Can i use Double cleanse using Clinique cleansing oil? Also i have been using foaming cleanser. Can i use foaming cleanser only on mornings and double celansing with oil at nigh? Thank you

    1. Hi Helen,
      To get rid of the bumps, I would actually just use a plain oil like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil to do the double cleansing, and then do a single cleanse with that same oil in the morning. For now take a break from the Clinique cleanser and the foaming cleanser until your skin clears up (sometimes those bumps are coming from an ingredient in your skincare, so best to simplify everything until your skin balances out).

  95. Hi Natasha,
    I just start double cleansing routine. Currently I’m using the simple cleansing oil + cetaphil gentle skin cleanser.. is it okay ? Before this i use the body shop tea tree but i found my skin doesn’t suit that because my skin suddenly appear the small reddish bumps and itchy sometimes like I’m sensitive toward it maybe.. n my tiny bumps becoming worst n uneven with the bumpy2 things..

  96. HI,
    I know I’m a bit late on this website but I was wondering if you can use Garnier Skin Naturals Micellar Oil Infused Water for double cleansing

    thanks ! xx

    1. I don’t recommend it. Better to do double cleansing with a pure oil like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. The Garnier micellar water has too many ingredients that could potentially irritate your breakouts or make it worse.

  97. hi!

    i have been using the yonka lait nettoyant for years and never have had a problem but i recently have got all these bumps on my forehead (maybe due to hormonal or weather changes) – i also use an exfoliant toner for dry skin. should i be double cleansing with that milk cleanser?!

    1. Have you started using anything new in your skin care routine, or new makeup? Just wondering if something new you are using is causing the bumps. Also, those bumps could be coming from something in your diet like dairy products, coffee, and/or sugar. As for the cleanser you are using, there could be a number of ingredients in the cleanser that is causing the bumps like mineral oil (which is the second ingredient), synthetic fragrance, dyes, etc. You might want to try double cleansing with a plain oil like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil for a few weeks to see if this can help (sometimes our skin can tolerate certain products or ingredients for some time, and then one day it starts reacting to it).

  98. Hi! I’m Rose 15. I don’t use make up or actually put anything on my face except powder and I have been having these problems. I’m trying every solutions and so far nothing worked. Can I ask tho if the forehead bumps I do have then but they are like not like the color of my skin they are pretty dark like normal pimples but it is small and when I wash my face they do get red. Is that still considered as the forehead bump your talking about? And I did say that I don’t use makeup but I do have an oily face so dies that count? Also Can you use coconut oil to double cleanse?

    1. Hi Rose,
      If the forehead bumps are dark and get red when washing, it might actually be a rash or an allergic reaction to something. Perhaps go and see doctor to have it looked at.
      As for double cleansing, I wouldn’t use the coconut oil if you are prone to breakouts, any other oil would be fine, but coconut oil can cause breakouts for those with acne prone skin.

  99. Hey,
    Im Hashir.I just got 17 and im a male.I have always had clear skin.But now for the past 10 days i have started getting little red bumps on my forehead only.i have applied Ice to them and am washing my face 4 times a day with regular soap.I dont have oily skin.Is it a heat rash as i live in Multan,Pakistan where nowadays the temperature is rising to a scorching 45-47° celcius and the climate is humid.But i am not getting exposed to the sunlight and i remain indoors mostly.Please help im in trouble.

  100. Hey,
    Im Hashir.I just got 17 and im a male.I have always had clear skin.But now for the past 10 days i have started getting little red bumps on my forehead only.i have applied Ice to them and am washing my face 4 times a day with regular soap.I dont have oily skin.Is it a heat rash as i live in Multan,Pakistan where nowadays the temperature is rising to a scorching 45-47° celcius and the climate is humid.But i am not getting exposed to the sunlight and i remain indoors mostly.Please help im in trouble

    1. Hi Hashir,
      Best not to wash your face so often, it’ll just make it worse. Only wash you face twice a day, and don’t touch your skin. It could be a heat rash, so you have to let it be so it can heal.

  101. Hi!
    I was happy to stumble upon your post, ‘cause I’ve been struggling with bumps on my forehead for a while now. I started eveing double cleansing with Jojoba oil for a day or 3, I ordered the Living Libations BSE because I really wanted to try your reccomendation. I have been using it for almost a week now, and I really love using it! I do notice that since I’ve been double cleansing I got a few break outs. Nothing extreme, just small breakouts that go within days, but I was wondering if it’s normal? Is this just the effect of the double cleansing, and that all the dirt has to come out first before my skin completely clears?
    ‘Cause I don’t feel like the Living Libations has a bad effect on my skin or anything. If you have any time to answer that would be lovely.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Joy,
      My apologies for the late reply. Are you still getting breakouts? Sometimes when you switch to oil cleansing you can have a purge for a few weeks as your skin adjusts, but it shouldn’t continue for longer than 2 weeks, maximum one month. If everything is good now, than it was just a purge, but if you’ve continued getting breakouts that aren’t like what you’ve had before, that could be a reaction to the product.

    1. I wouldn’t have thought so. It’ll clog your pores. Coconut oil is better but even that can cause problems on the face of you use to much or don’t remove it all.

    2. Hi Petra,
      For acne prone skin, I would recommend grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, safflower oil, or pumpkin seed oil. Olive oil is ok, but not always compatible with acne prone skin.

  102. Hello, can I use a face cleansing cloth without any additional cleanser to double cleanse? For example Halo face cloth?

    1. Hi Deb,
      For getting rid of the bumpy texture, I recommend using an oil based cleanser, not just water. The oil is what will loosen and breakup the build up on the surface of your skin. You can do the first cleanse with the micro fiber cloth and water to remove makeup, but I would recommend the second cleanse to use an oil-based cleanser.

  103. Hi Natasha,

    If you have the tiny bumps on your forehead, should you avoid putting moisturisers, creams or harsh medical products on your forehead during the day before double cleansing? As i think they might be clogging my pores. I am a dancer and am sweating almost everyday. Would this also be a cause of my tiny forehead bumps?

    1. Yes, the less products you use, the better. Especially because you are a dancer, you don’t want strong or heavy products on your skin when you are moving and sweating. Our skin actually gets very sensitive when we are hot and sweating, so if you have active ingredients or heavy moisturizer on your skin while exercising, they’ll just irritate your skin more and can clog pores.

      In the morning, just wash your face with a gentle cleanser. If you need to moisturize your skin use a fragrance-free moisturizer or just 2-3 drops of plain oil like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. If you don’t need to moisturize, skip it completely. No need to moisturize if you don’t need it, especially if you are dancing all day.

      I would also avoid using medicated products during the day.

      For the tiny bumps on forehead, make sure to check out my blog post and video on what you can do with your diet to clear it up (usually it’s also caused by an internal issue, so if you can address it with your diet and skincare, you’ll get faster and better results)—>

  104. Hi, I’m 13 and a girl and I’m very self-conscious of my forehead bumps(I also have acne on other parts of my face),and I would really want to know how to treat it,I don’t wear makeup or wear skin products, sometimes I put Aloe Vera gel on my face but that’s all, I’m wondering if I should double cleanse with my deep pore wash (Alba Botanica, acne dote)? And If I do Should I use it only at night?

    1. Hi Sabrina,
      The breakouts are probably coming from hormones and puberty.
      For younger skin, I recommend washing your face with plain honey (make sure it’s smooth honey, not texture). You can buy honey at a health food store. Here’s a video on how to wash your face with it–>

      You can try double cleansing, but only double cleanse with an oil-based cleanser (the cleanser you listed would dry out your skin if you double cleanse). I recommend trying double cleansing with jojoba oil or grapeseed oil. Here’s is a video for oil cleansing acne prone skin (you would follow these steps, and cleanse twice in a row at night)–>

  105. Hi Natasha,
    is it a possibility that if you don’t get the oil off properly after double cleansing, it could clog more and cause more bumps?

  106. Hi Natasha,

    is it a possibility that if you don’t get the oil off properly after double cleansing, it could clog more and cause more bumps?

    1. Hi Lailah,
      The oil shouldn’t clog your pores. Having a little residual oil on your skin from oil cleansing can be good, it could help to moisturize and soften your skin. But, if you are using an oil that isn’t compatible with your skin, it could cause breakouts.

  107. Hi Natasha! I have also heard/researched that these tiny bumps are a yeast infection/fungal acne and to treat it with oral antifungals or shampoos with ketaconazole in it? and some people say that oil feeds the yeast? could you please guide me? I’m getting confused 🙁

    1. Hi Jade,
      The bumps could be connected to a yeast overgrowth. But, I would be careful using an anti fungal or antibacterial products because many times they wipe out the good bacteria too (and you need that good bacteria to balance the bad bacteria). I’ve worked with clients with yeast overgrowth on skin and decreasing sugar in the diet has worked incredibly well. I would recommend working on diet before using any anti fungals.

  108. Hi Natasha,
    I was wondering if you knew wether the cetaphil gentle cleanser leaves any residue? Because I know that some milky skin cleansers. If so, could I use the cetaphil cleanser first and then a foaming cleanser?

    1. The cetaphil cleanser won’t leave any residue but I wouldn’t use it for double cleansing. It has sodium lauryl sulfate which makes it quite drying. Instead, I would use an oil-based cleanser for the first step in double cleansing.

  109. Hi Natasha,

    I have recently started getting these bumps all over my face, not just my forehead but also by cheeks and chin. Growing up I rarely really had acne, besides the occasional pimple every now and then. Now I’m 22 and for whatever reason my skin has these bumps all over. It’s more annoying than anything! I just want to figure out what I can do to help clear it up. I have extremely dry, sensitive skin. I wash my face every night and morning (although I haven’t tried the double cleanse so I will definitely do that). Right now I use some cheap Olay product to wash my face, and I’ve used Clinique ‘Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion’ for the past couple of years because it’s the best product I’ve found that actually keeps my skin moisturized and not flaky throughout the day. Although, I actually recently have tried a new moisturizer called the Clinique ‘Moisture Surge’. But I’ve noticed my skin change well before I switched this. I also recently started using Lancôme ‘Miel-En-Mousse Foaming Cleanser’ about once a week because I read using an exfoliate may work. But it hasn’t 🙁 I wear a little bit of makeup but not much, mostly just some powder foundation. I’m wondering if I’m using the right product/doing the right thing and if there are any other products you recommend that aren’t the ones you listed and don’t break the bank? I would like to maybe try a few different ones but can’t come around to spending $50 on one cleanser if it doesn’t work well with my skin. I normally stay away from oils because it’s been bad for my skin in the past. Please help!!!! Thank you!

    1. Hi Kiley,
      There could be an ingredient in the products you are using that could be causing the bumps (like silicones, fragrance, mineral oil, etc.). How about taking a break from the products you are currently using and try double cleansing with jojoba or grapeseed oil?

  110. I have bumps on my forehead but i dont wear makeup and dont put that much products on my face. How can i get rid of these? And what’s causing them?

  111. Is it okay for me to use lemon, salt, and cucumber?
    Does extra virgin olive oil work?
    Should I put on moisturizer after the double face cleanse?
    What sunscreens do you recommend to use during the day, with what ingredients?

    1. Hi Clay,
      I would use plain grapeseed oil. Olive oil can be drying. Don’t use salt or lemon on your skin. Get a sunscreen that has zinc oxide as the active ingredient.

  112. Hi there, I am a 14 year old girl who is suffering with these little bumps on my forehead and now spreading to my cheeks and a little to my chin and jaw line, it has effected my life and my confidence a lot. I wash my face every night, moisturise and take vitamins but yet no result.. I am willing to do anything for clear skin so I will be starting to double cleanse. just wondering would using grapeseed oil then dermalogica special cleansing gel work or should I just double cleanse with grapeseed oil both washes ? My grandma had a talk to me and told me she use to have the same problem and then she recommended using goat milk moisturiser, should I take that into consideration ? Thank you and fingers crossed for me 🙂

    1. Hi Bianka,
      I would go with a simple skincare routine, so best to just double cleanse with the grapeseed oil and see how that goes. After a few weeks, you can try the goat milk moisturizer (best to not try too many new things all at once in case you have a bad reaction).
      Also, try reducing sugar in your diet, that can help too!

  113. Hi Natasha,

    I recently started a face care routine where I use the below for my acne (which has helped a lot)
    Morning :
    1. Ole Henriksen Gel Cleanser
    2. Ole Henriksen Truth Serum
    3. Kate Somerville Oil Free Moisturizer

    Night :
    1. Ole Henriksen Gel Cleanser
    2. Tea Tree Oil Toner (Bought From Body Works)
    3. Ole Henriksen Truth Serum
    4. Glow Recipe Watermelon Sleeping Mask

    The above has improved my skin a lot but I still have some tiny bumps all over my skin that are not leaving, also some marks from the acne as well. What would you suggest I do to get rid this problem.

    Thank you

    1. Hi Rafia,
      There could be a number of things causing the bumps. Two things that stand out from the products you are using is the added fragrance in the products which can be an irritant causing the bumps, and a lot of the products you are using has silicones, which can clog pores for some people. How about trying the double cleansing with a plain oil and see how it goes. This might get you even better results!

  114. Hi i have this forehead bumps since 2 years i think so i found your advice really good and interesting but can i use those cleansers that you recommend? Because im only 13 years old and i think i got a forehead bumps because from my bangs i cut. And i use soap every morning, when im taking a bath and night. But after that i use moisturizer alternatively, one is water based and one has an aloe vera can i still use those?

    1. Hi Shen,
      If you’re getting the forehead bumps from your bangs, I would recommend trying ways to keep your hair off your forehead to allow your skin to heal and clear up. You’ll get the best results doing that. At your age, you don’t want to overdo skincare products or use anything harsh on your skin.

  115. Hi Natasha,

    I started getting under the forehead spots during exams when I was stressed and eating poorly. I know can’t seem to get rid of them. To take off my makeup I use the Garnier micellar water and then moisturise with the Rich Simple Moisturiser. I used to also use the Ordinary Rosehip Oil and Hyaluronic Acid 2% occasionally, however I cut down on my skincare to see if taking it back to basics would help. I saw that you recommended Rosehip Oil in another comment – should I replace this as my evening moisturiser?

    At times I have dry skin, to the point it flakes, at other times it feels oily – i’m not sure what I’m doing wrong! On another blog post I was recommend to use Paulas Choice–SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Salicylic Acid Exfoliant? What are your thoughts on using this product?


    1. Hi Claire,
      There can be a number of things causing the tiny bumps. I would recommend trying the double cleansing with oil from this blog post and see if that helps. I would also stop using the Garnier micellar water because some of the ingredients in it could actually be causing the bumps! You could also replace your moisturizer with the Rosehip oil and see how that works out.
      Here’s also a blog post on what to fix in your diet to get rid of the bumps:
      Many times it’s both skincare and diet that needs to be adjusted to get rid of them completely.

  116. Hello Natasha! Hope everything is well where you are.

    I am brand new to this double cleansing system, and I have clusters and clusters of tiny skin colored rough bumps on my forhead and a few on my cheeks and I’m hoping doubling cleansing will start to work!

    I was wondering what to do in the morning time for my skin? Thank you!

    1. Hi Aviv,
      My apologies, I just saw your comment now. For some reason I missed it.

      In the morning, I recommend oil cleansing as well. But in the morning, do a single cleanse. In the evening do a double cleanse.

  117. Hey, just wanted to know what you would use at night time? Could I use a acne wash and then use the oil for my skin (one of the ones you recommend).
    Please let me know, I have the small bumps on my forehead and chin area.

    1. Hi Katherine,

      I recommend using an oil, and do the double cleansing with the oil at night (wash your face twice in a row with the same oil). Skip the Vichy cleanser.

      You can use a plain oil like jojoba oil or grapeseed oil, or an oil blend like Living Libation Best Skin Ever (for acne prone skin I recommend either the Frankincense or Seabuckthorn Best Skin Ever). And you’ll need a gentle wash cloth to remove the oil (use a clean one every time you cleanse), I recommend these.

      Keep your skincare routine simple. The oil cleansing will also help balance out your skin.

      Also check out this blog post on what to do with your diet to get rid of the tiny bumps on forehead. I find double cleansing and making some adjustments to your diet deliver best results.

  118. Thank you so much, which moisturizer should I use? or do I just use the oils?
    Thank you for your quick response : )
    Also in the morning what kind of cleanser should I use?

    1. Hi Katherine,
      In the morning do the oil cleansing as well (but just once). If you need a moisturizer, use 2-3 drops of the oil that you used for the oil cleansing. Keep it as simple as possible. The oil cleansing twice a day with ever so gently exfoliate your skin, removing the surface build up that is trapping/clogging pores. Also, take a break from dairy products for at least a month to see if that can help too.

  119. Hi there,
    I’m sorry if this has already been addressed, but should I not wash my face at all with any product other than water in the mornings?

    I’m 34 years old, male. I’m already vegan, loaded with fruits and veggies. I never had these tiny bumps literally everywhere since I came off of accutane a couple of years ago. My derm and I have tried everything apart from cosmetic procedures which she wants to try, and I’m reluctant. My skin has been terribly dry ever since coming off the medication, I used to have very oily skin. Living in Colorado doesn’t help that. Currently I used CeraVe benzoyl peroxide “BP” in the morning and then the “hydrating facial cleanser.” At night. The “BP” is because I do get breakouts especially in my facial hair and eyebrows. I won’t go through my whole skin care routine because it will stress you out haha. But I exfoliate now with just a gentle cetaphil cleanser twice/week but the dead, dry skin remains. So I’m looking forward to trying the washcloth method. I’m also a flight attendant who uses tretinoin so I ask for it, but I’m hoping this face washing method comes in and saves the day! Thanks in advance <3

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