I’m super excited to announce a new feature I’ve added to Inspire Beauty. There’s nothing more inspiring and motivating than hearing your breakthroughs, victories and stories clearing up acne and breakouts.
SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT – Real Women’s Stories Clearing Up Acne
Success stories are awesome, and when I read your stories I feel like I’m hanging out with my best friend and chatting about the things that work and don’t work (and who doesn’t love that ecstatic feeling when you finally find something that works!).
When it comes to your skin, I know each person is different, and that’s why sharing your stories and skin clearing strategies is so important. I hope reading other women’s success stories will inspire and encourage you, plus perhaps give you more ideas of things to try, maybe remind you of something you know worked for you in the past, or getting an extra boost of motivation to continue.
Today’s Success Spotlight is how Sita from the UK cleared up her acne – what she discovered worked for her and didn’t. I loved reading her story, and I have to admit that reading her story has made me super diligent about drinking my greens juices every single day (thanks Sita for the extra motivation!).

Sita’s story clearing up acne & breakouts:
As you know, the things you suggested to me really helped clear up my skin: avoiding refined sugar/dairy/preservatives/drinking more clean water/exercise and especially the green juice!
I think you are right in what you said a while back that sometimes breakouts are a sign that something is wrong with your digestion system and the green juice seemed to really help with that, heal present scars and make my skin glow!
Within 6 months of your advice, things went from people saying ‘oh, you’re poor face!’ when I was caked in make-up, to cashiers at shop counters saying ‘you have great skin. what do you use?’ when I was wearing no make up!
Within 6 months of your advice, things went from people saying ‘Oh, you’re poor face!’ when I was caked in make-up, to cashiers at shop counters saying ‘You have great skin. what do you use?’ when I was wearing no make up!
Once, I was getting a wax done by a beautician who worked part time at Harley Street and who works with lots of celebrity clients. We got onto the subject of talking about green juice and she couldn’t believe it when I said I used to have acne because she said my skin was so much better than most of the celebrity and rich clients she works with. And she regularly works with people who have money to buy absolutely anything they want in terms of skincare but also cosmetic surgery! She wanted to know what was in the green juice 🙂 That’s when I knew that my acne had not just cleared up but my skin was in such good condition that it stood out.
Anyway, my skin has been great for about 4 years since I took your advice. I went traveling and only washed my face with warm water and wore no make up. Everything was fine even though I have to admit I didn’t have the time to have green juice or always find a kitchen while traveling.
I have SUPER sensitive skin so a lot of regular moisturizers/beauty oils and even sunscreens never worked for me – every time I would use them my skin would become clogged or irritated and/or dust or bacteria would stick to it and I would start to break out again. This was even after my skin was nourished from the inside – when I applied anything remotely moisturizing – my skin would break out again but it would be tiny white heads – almost like a bacterial infection as opposed to the large, painful bumps I used to get before I took your advice. It would look a bit like heat rashes. I found cleansing my face with raw forest honey worked for me in my 20s, but as I started nearing 30 (maybe because of hormonal changes), it also used to irritate my skin.
So I came back from traveling and, perhaps because I was turning 30, I started to think about whether (because I had been acne free for several years) it might be good to try some beauty oils again. This was also because I was a bit conscious about getting older and the fact that I saw how much a difference moisturizing with oils made to women in their 30s. My skin was Ok but a bit dehydrated on the outside.
So I tried a face oil by Rosemary Swift that some acne-prone women had recommended. For the first 2 weeks it felt great but then slowly small, bacterial type acne started coming back. The acne collected in places where the oil collected once it had been applied to my face (lower cheeks, on the chin line). I switched to raw, pure coconut oil and the acne worsened. I had read in some cases that women who tried coconut oil had experienced break outs initially but then this had cleared up so I continued for another month but it just got worse!
It dawned on me that this was a bacterial problem because of where the acne was (places the oil collected) and also, I started noticing that I was getting acne in places where I was laying on my pillow at night or had things (sometimes my fingers) touching may face.
Once I stopped using all products on my skin and started boiling my cushion covers to kill any bacteria, the acne cleared up a little but not significantly enough for me to be able to stop wearing make up again.
My mum then saw and bought me some stuff with good testimonials (Pro-Active). With Pro-Active, I had a great glow to my skin but again, I could see that there was something bacterial that was being spread and was continuing to live on my face without dying!!!
Fast forward around a year and I finally found a solution which cleared up my skin within 3 days: Pure Tea Tree Oil.
Fast forward around a year and I finally found a solution which cleared up my skin within 3 days: Pure Tea Tree Oil. It has cleared up everything completely and now I find that applying this morning and night and after a shower really keeps these bacteria-like acne spots away.
I have also found that in terms of moisturizing Creme De La Mer is really good. It feels great, is light enough to not clog my pores but also heals the skin quite well. It is pretty expensive but one of the only things that work for me and I figure since the skin on my face is important to me and it is not easy to cover bad skin – it is worth the money.
I have occasionally tried mixing the Tea Tree Oil with Pure Vitamin E oil but once again, I find that my skin starts to feel clogged in places where the Vit E collects so for now I am sticking to Creme De La Mer!
by Sita from the UK, March 2016
Do you have a success story clearing up acne or breakouts? Anything you’ve discovered or you’ve been doing that’s made a big difference in your skin? I would love to feature your story in an upcoming Success Spotlight. Please email me your story to: info@inspirebeautyshop.com
0 Responses
How would you recommend using tea tree oil? Mixing it with a moisturizing serum? Applying it just by itself?
Well, what was in the green juice???
I’m not sure the green juices Sita was drinking, but usually I recommend green juices that are made with cucumber, celery, a little bit of apple, and one type of green (like spinach, kale, cilantro, cabbage, etc). This is a good simple juice to get started with, and great for your skin.